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    Coldplay's Oracle on show upgrades, Dan Green, Record Store Day, 'colour' songs and more...

    More questions answered by The Oracle... (circa. 4000! questions now answered - submit yours now!)


    April 18, 2013 - submitted by John, United Kingdom

    Q. If the band are signed to EMI, how come they were able to release a single on Fierce Panda?

    The Oracle replies:

    Simon Williams saw the band and offered them a single deal. Brothers & Sisters was released as a one off before the band signed their long-term record deal with Parlophone. Fierce Panda as an independent label offered great opportunities to new bands and many got their break with that first release. If you want to find out more and see a clip of Will talking about the label, visit their Pledge Music page which is raising funds for a documentary: Fierce Panda: Endangered. You can be part of the film-making process too if you fancy.



    April 18, 2013 - submitted by Brad, United States of America

    Q. Hello most wonderful Oracle. What is the band hoping for out of fans in the front few rows? I got brought down by a roadie at the Barclays and didn't realize how nuts I was getting (evidence is on the screen 1:43 into this video). I was standing right in front of Guy and don't know if it was good or annoying to him that I was so crazy since he's so chill. Best night of my life, thanks to you and Coldplay for everything you do.

    The Oracle replies:

    Ha! That's brilliant. You're in good company, here is someone else going nuts at a Coldplay show. You did good, Brad. The whole point of bringing you guys down to the front is for you to have the best time ever and the band love to see that. It's always great looking out and seeing people enjoying themselves. Don't ever hold back; go for it!


    April 17, 2013 - submitted by Dorothea, Austria

    Q. Dear Oracle, First I hope you're doing fine and everything goes well!? I have a question concerning the Oxfam In My Place film project... sadly I found out today that it was possible for fans to participate by sending a pic or video for the film. Is it totally useless to send one through? I would really love to send one... but I know I missed the deadline *damn*. And second I wanted to ask if this will be a real music video for the Oxfam version of In My Place with the band in it etc. or is it a PR-video for the Oxfam campaign? Thank you a lot for your reply :) Have a good day, greets from Austria

    The Oracle replies:

    The deadline was the final date to submit your videos. The answer to your second question can be seen here as Mat Whitecross has worked hard to turnaround those submissions into a great video.


    April 17, 2013 - submitted by margaret, United States of America

    Q. Dearest Oracle, I found this picture on Google Images, and I can see that the one on the right is Will, but who is the other one? Thank you so much! -Margaret. P.S. DO you think Coldplay will ever come to Louisville, KY for a tour? It's the only way I would ever go to a Coldplay concert... :(

    The Oracle replies:

    That's Dan Green - their sound engineer.


    April 17, 2013 - submitted by Alanna, United States of America

    Q. What made you all want to start a band, and was it hard at first getting along and did you think you guys would become so famous? Thanks :)

    The Oracle replies:

    All the guys played instruments before they met at UCL. Chris claims he only went to University in London to meet Jonny, Guy & Will, that is that he knew it would be a great place to get a band together - and it was! By the way, anyone who joins a band to become famous is doing it for the wrong reasons. Of course musicians want to be able to make a career out of being in a band but fame - that's a by-product of success. In my eyes, success is a far greater achievement.


    April 16, 2013 - submitted by Wendy, United Kingdom

    Q. I have not heard one thing about Coldplay in so long. I was listening to my two favorite songs off of MX last night, Hurts Like Heaven, and Don't let it Break Your Heart, and thinking these songs are so special to me and make me feel like crying but in a good way. I hope the band will make more music in the near future. Thanks.

    The Oracle replies:

    SPECIAL RECORD STORE DAY PICTURE DISC RELEASE: We have been updating the news section of the website & tweeting. In fact, today's news (& imminent Coldplay Messenger newsletter) contain info about one of your aforementioned favourite tracks. It's Record Store Day in the UK on Saturday (20th April). There is a special picture disc limited edition release of Hurts Like Heaven and Us Against The World (Live). It will also contain Issue One of the Mylo Xyloto Comic. More information was posted by Anchorman earlier.


    April 16, 2013 - submitted by Angela, United Kingdom

    Q. Hi Oracle! I would like to know.. There's a colour song in each album: Yellow in Parachutes; Green Eyes in AROBTTH; White Shadows in X&Y; Violet Hill in VLVODAAHF; Charlie Brown in Mylo Xyloto. Did they do this on purpose or it's just a coincidence? Thanks!

    The Oracle replies:

    Total coincidence. Violet Hill is a place and Charlie Brown is a name so I don't associate either of those songs with their title's colour.


    April 15, 2013 - submitted by Elizabeth, United States of America

    Q. Hey Oracle, Today, for the probably the 50th time, I watched Live 2012, which is my favorite movie of all time. In the credits at the end of the movie, under "Montreal Film Crew" "Camera Operators" one of the names listed was "Will Champion" - Is that a coincidence or was Will apart of the filming?! Please let me know! Your #1 Coldplayer, Elizabeth :)

    The Oracle replies:

    Yes he was! When the guys perform the Stage C segment of the show, Will is recording on a hand-held camera before he joins the rest of the band - that's why he has a filming credit.


    April 15, 2013 - submitted by Jesse K, United States of America

    Q. Hello Oracle, You recently answered a question about whether or not Chris or any of the band are vegetarians. I am curious about the segment of 5:29 to 5:45 in this video. You said that the vegetarian claim is a "common misconception," and I of course believe that you know that for a fact, I'm just curious why Chris wouldn't have set the record straight in this situation? Has he/they only just recently become carnivores? Thanks Oracle!

    The Oracle replies:

    "We're not so much a big meat band" isn't saying they don't eat meat. You have to remember that the band have no religious or moral reasons for abstaining. What they eat is to keep fit & healthy so they may one or all go through periods of time where they do or don't eat meat. I don't think Chris saw it as a serious question (Cold cut/Coldplay... neither do I) and that's probably why he didn't feel the need to elaborate further.

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