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    [Coldplay Oxfam Blog] Lots of people at the O2

    magicballoxfam.jpgJust counting the pledges at the Oxfam tables by section 110 at London’s O2 Arena. The Oxfam volunteers have handed in their sheets, and gone in to take their seats. ‘Speed of Sound’ is ringing through the doors, each time someone swings it open, to run to the toilet, or grab some fish n’ chips.


    The total so far tonight is 1188. All those names, showing their support, can make a real difference to people’s lives. One person can make a big difference. 1188 can make a huge difference. Imagine what 6 million could do.. Oxfam is asking 6 million people to make the Health and Education For All pledge, to represent the 6 million more well trained and accessible doctors, nurses and teachers that are needed. If Oxfam can put that sort of pressure on world leaders, they can’t ignore it.. especially if over 40′000 of them are noisy Coldplay fans!


    Read the full blog entry at the Oxfam Blog website here

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