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    Celebrating Celebrity Baby Birthdays - Moses Martin

    Name: Moses Bruce Anthony Martin

    Birthday: April 8th, 2006

    Famous for: Being the second child and first son of actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay frontman Chris Martin.

    Siblings:Older sister Apple Blythe Alison Martin was born in May 2004. Her naming sparked much debate with the reason for the choice being that Chris liked it, it was wholesome and had biblical connotations.

    Name meaning: If tradition follows, Moses' middle names are Bruce and Anthony after Gwyneth and Chris' fathers, but this is unconfirmed. Apple's name was announced as Apple Blythe Alison Martin, after her grandmothers.

    Birth story: Moses was born via a scheduled cesarean section in New York City. This was apparently due to the almost 3 days of labor Gwyneth experienced with Apple, which is rumored to have led to a c-section - blind item #2 is believed to be about Gwyneth.What they said:Gwyneth spoke out about Moses name meaning and what they call him.


    Well, I think he's the man to live up to it! When we were pregnant with Apple, if she was a boy, she would've been named Moses. We just always had the name...Moses to me is just such an amazing name. Plus, he was born on the holiest Sabbath of the year, which is the Saturday before Passover. And he was born at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York...And it was my father's Hebrew name. [but they do sometimes call him his Yiddish name - Moishe].


    Gwyneth reveals that Moses is not the best sleeper. My son has decided sleep is just not for him, really, so I don't sleep...he just talks and goes back to sleep but I wake up and then I can't go back to sleep. I need so much caffeine at this point in my life.


    Does she let her children eat McDonald's? She answered that she tries to feed them whole grains, but laughed, 'No McDonald's. Never. Over my dead body!'


    Homes: Chris and Gwyneth split their time between their houses in NYC and London. Gwyneth's mother, Blythe Danner, lives in LA, and they therefore spend a large proportion of their time there as well. Additionally, due to Chris' band commitments and tours and Gwyneth's filming locations, they are often living at other places around the world for small periods of time.


    <ahttp://www.celebrity-babies.com/images/2007/04/07/4_2.jpg HSPACE="5" VSPACE="5"/>


    <ahttp://www.celebrity-babies.com/images/2007/04/07/2.jpg HSPACE="5" VSPACE="5"/>


    <ahttp://www.celebrity-babies.com/images/2007/04/07/6.jpg HSPACE="5" VSPACE="5"/>


    <ahttp://www.celebrity-babies.com/images/2007/04/07/7.jpg HSPACE="5" VSPACE="5"/>


    Source: http://www.celebrity-babies.com

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