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    Charlotte review: Coldplay heats up Verizon Wireless Amphitheater (plus new photos)

    magicball7.jpgAs we skip over Coldplay's postponed Tampa show at Ford Amphitheater, reviews are still being written about the band's last show at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater at Charlotte. This latest review is courtesy of The Examiner:


    So it's been two, almost three, days since Coldplay rocked the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre this past Friday, and I'm finally writing about. Why now? Well I've been trying to come up with the right words to explain just how amazing this show was. When I attended the show on Friday I expected nothing less than a stellar performance, and what I experienced was completely indescribable. Not only did the band sound phenomenal, but the lighting was fantastic and Coldplay, and more specifically lead singer Chris Martin, have this insane amount of energy.


    It was one of those instances where you know you are witnessing something great because you get goosebumps. I don't get goosebumps very often in the dead of summer, at an outdoor venue, but I got goosebumps several times on Friday night., which I personally think speaks volumes about my concert experience.

    We arrived to the show "late", which was perfect because we managed to avoid most of the ridiculous Verizon traffic (Side note: Managment or traffic control, DESPERATELY needs to fix that, not only is it horrible within the arena vacinity, but Tryon and surrounding side roads are ALWAYS jammed). Coldplay had literally just started playing their first song as we walked into the venue. Once we stepped inside the actual arena, I couldn't believe how many people were crammed in there. I've been to a few concerts at Verizon, most of which have been full, but this place was packed! It wasn't surprising since it was Coldplay playing, but I was just surprised that many people could actually fit in there. So, we managed to squeeze through the crowd and into our seats just in time for their second song. And, once we got settled the out-of-body, can't believe I'm here experience began.


    It's definitely obvious people that attend their shows are SERIOUS fans. The cat next to me was belting out songs so loudly I almost couldn't distinguish between him and Chris Martin. However, I didn't care, mostly because I found it comical that this dude was jamming out to Coldplay, but again I was simply mesmerized by the performers on stage. They sang the obvious classics like my personal favorite "Yellow" and "Fix You." Then they did something I've never seen at Verizon. They had a side stage setup, up towards the front so fans could get a closer look, where they played one song. Pretty cool. Then they setup a stage towards the lawn, which I was maybe twenty feet away from, where they sang several songs including a tribute to MJ by singing a cover of "Billie Jean." I really can't do the show justice it's one of those "you had to be there" moments, but it was absolutely phenomenal.


    Source: The Examiner


    New photos of Coldplay at Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Charlotte, NC (7th August 2009):


























    Pictures by EnergonCube @ flickr


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