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    Going where no Coldplayers have gone before - The Final Frontier!

    20110526mm28a_1.pngColdplay really have us in a pickle. Ever since their website was changed a while back to reflect an outer space theme - UFO's, and other 'alien' goings-on, Coldplayers have been keeping one thought on the universe as a theme for LP5.


    This weekend though, the latest theories have taken us where nobody has gone before - Star Trek IV - in particular the bit where the whales communicate with an alien probe that visits Earth sometime in the late 23rd century. This is because that, according to some, the latest lyric video has a background intro that sounds like whale song from the Star Trek film.


    Over-enthusiastic imagination you might think, but as it was pointed out a couple of days ago, the 'The Scientist' video that was uploaded to YouTube by Coldplay had tags called SEQ1 and Rev. which are linked to Star Trek if you put them into Google. Whether you think this theory is absolute baloney (and we're sure that there are more than a few non-believers), enjoy instead some of the latest comments on Coldplay's lyrics videos and the teasers they've sent so far...

    I'm so excited!!!! I really think you've got good points in the whole spacey-star-trek-whale-alien theory. Well done! That's brilliant. I like how they know they can play with us - they know we will (over)analyse every little detail they put out and we do. It's much fun, actually! About the lyrics - I have no fear whatsoever. Of course they will not drastically change genre. They've done 4 great albums so far, I think we can trust their own judgement on their own music this time too. They have so many people working with them that I find it unbelievable if no one pointed out that they did not sound anything like Coldplay any more if that was the case. They haven't disappointed me so far, so I don't see signs of them doing it now. Especially not since they have gone so much overtime with this album. [thanks Clocks In My Place]


    The most intriguing video so far for me is the 'walking man' one, made me pretty excited for a while. Now that the lyrics have started trickling out though it's hard not to feel a twinge of embarrassment / disappointment... just a bit too 'teen pop' for me, I don't know. Hopefully the music will justify the nature of the lyrics, and that they're not indicative of the album as a whole (much like Violet Hill was completely different to everything else on VLV). "Monday morning feels another life" - is that even a sentence? Anyway we'll see, haha. [thanks Zemy101]


    If these are song lyrics, I am thinking this could be a dark song, about someone disconnecting themselves away from the world with music and drugs. Like I said in the other thread I need a drink, cause this is making me think too hard. [thanks MartinFan]


    Why the negativity to the lyrics? Thank god the lyrics aren't generic shite about love or losing stuff from your life. They seem like lyrics of freedom of mind and ambition which is fantastic. Sound like Lady Gaga or hip hop or Rihanna? Does it hell. All they can sing about is chasing men or girls whilst gyrating on stage to their god awful sounds. [thanks howyousawtheworld]


    Anyone whose really worried about this i'm sort of surprised. i understand general nervousness - which i feel too. but if anyone thinks these lyrics are supposed to be from another world, let's think about who coldplay are. the music might be slightly different, but i REALLY doubt it will be the different you can get when some bands change sounds. if anyone here is a fan of life in technicolor 2 (which i am), they can note this song could be similarly upbeat. the lyrics don't have to be to TECHNO... i'm hopeful and i understand apprehension, but anyone too worried should know coldplay won't let us down [thanks footyfan10]


    I disagree about them not being generic. They aren't in the sense that you suggested, but there's really no depth to them, as far as I can tell. So you love music, you hate the beginning of the school week, and you're gonna dance until you can't anymore...seems rather generic to me. Maybe they'll be better in a broader context. Either way, I'm still PUMPED for the new single! Anyway, does anyone else think that Coldplay might start taking a leaf out of Win Butler (Arcade Fire)'s book and jam the word "kids" into every other sentence? [thanks Hartroc]


    I mean, really. People are complaining about the lyrics being generic? Hasn't that always been a crack against Coldplay--that Chris's lyrics are so nonspecific as to speak to almost no one (while attempting to speak to everyone)? VLV was a big improvement lyrically, and these seem to fit pretty snugly with songs from that era, particularly LiT ii and Rainy Day. [thanks MasoKnight]


    Why you the person post up some new material and we cant hear it ? what a fucking tease. [thanks Albie]


    Yeah it pretty much looks like the new theme is going to be a bit spacy/futuristic. There's some proof for that: The bright colours; The website showing a UFO; The 'whale' sounds in that STUDIOFEED video; That picture from 'the first photoshoot in a while' looks kind of spacy... Sorry guys, they just made it too easy for us. But didn't Chris say that it was going to be about the german kids and graffiti (in some magazine interview)? How does that relate to UFOs? [thanks Lexis]


    I'm with the people who say that these are just lyrics, a way to say "hey, we're a huge band, remember us? well, something new is coming". Why would there be any kind of message like with the number of footsteps or the monday morning or anything? Remember that 90% of the people who watch the videos/gifs won't search for any hidden message, they just need to know that Coldplay is back and to be "prepared" to the new era. [thanks Lu'kaa]


    I was thinking, and it might have already been mentioned somewhere, that the walking man could be the BPM of the new song! Sounds a little bit slower that viva, When tapped out on my laptop while reading all the new lyrics! Also, the walking man just seems random, compared to the other tweets, and such, so its gotta have a hidden meaning! [thanks codlbeliever47]


    I think that maybe it's more like something that has the power to gather multiple generations. for example, the "I'd rather be a comma than a full stop" part seems to signify being open to what is next, or being open to the next generation of people to come rather than being narrow-minded with a high-and-mighty attitude. now that i think about it, it could be more of a Viva la Vida-style song than a Violet Hill one; that is, from the point of view of the leader or someone in a higher position rather than a revolutionary or whatever. maybe i'm over-thinking it! [thanks coldplayisawesome]


    For some reason, I'm more optimistic about this teaser than the others, but I can't really articulate why . Maybe because it doesn't seem so graffiti-ish, and I'm hoping they don't hammer that one theme into the ground too early. I think we'll hear the single, studio-quality, before Friday and the first festival date. At least I think they'll play the song at the first festival, but I do really think that all these teasers (SIX, bloody hell) are gearing everyone up for a release, not just getting everyone excited for something only a few thousand people are going to be able to experience at one time. I think it makes commercial sense for them to release a new song a few days before they hit the road again to create even more hype. I hear some people are thinking Monday? I think that could be possible, as it's a holiday in the US and the UK and they'd get a lot of people home from work and school to hear it right when it goes live. Otherwise, I really think it's going to happen before Friday. Where is this 5th of June thing coming from? That's a Sunday anyway, who releases things on Sundays? [thanks ApproximatelyInfinite]


    The sound in the beginning of the StudioFeed video doesn't sound like it's in the same key as the new video posted today. However, I just noticed that the "whale-esque" sound in the beginning of the Studiofeed is goes along with the bass sound at 0:14 in the StudioFeed video. BUT! The sound from today's video can serve as an intro to that song, or not. We don't know. Haha. [thanks Forty Two]


    I hate seeing posts on here that are just so repetitive. I've seen at least 20 posts all saying, "Hey guys, remember how Chris said the album would be 2 words and it starts with an M? Well I've come up with the idea that it might be called Monday Morning!" It's like: 1. Nope, read any other page of this forum and you'll see that you in fact did not come up with this; and 2. No. The album will have a better name than Monday Morning... [thanks JackZ]


    Latest photos of Coldplay at the Beehive (May 2011):

    [thanks laurenev49]






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