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    Gwyneth: Family Comes Before A Film

    gwyneth8.jpgIt has been an emotional few years for Gwyneth Paltrow. Her producer father Bruce died suddenly in 2002, she married Coldplay star Chris Martin in 2003, then gave birth to baby Apple in May 2004. But, while still grieving over the father to whom she’d been devoted, Gwyneth took on the role of a daughter whose dad, played by Anthony Hopkins, is slowly dying, in her new film Proof.


    Here, Gwyneth, 33 - who is expecting her second baby later this year - tells The Ticket about her life as a working mum and saying goodbye to her dad.


    Read the full article here


    Meanwhile, Gwyneth Paltrow wants her daughter to be a artist or a scientist when she grows up. The oscar winner doubts twenty one month-old Apple will want to be an actress or a singer like her dad, Coldplay's Chris Martin. Gwyneth claims she wouldn't be surprised if her children decide to stay as far away from the industry as possible.

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