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    Gwyneth Paltrow Vows To Avoid US After Paparazzi Scare

    chrisgwyneth2a.jpgActress Gwyneth Paltrow has vowed to stay away from the U.S. after a recent traumatic confrontation with photographers in New York.


    The Oscar winner was pounced upon by the paparazzi during a visit to Manhattan's Mount Sinai Hospital last week (14Jan08). Paltrow insists the media attention in American is much worse than in London, where she lives with her husband, Coldplay rocker Chris Martin and their two children Apple, three, and one-year-old Moses.


    A friend of the couple tells U.S. publication the Chicago Sun Times that the star has vowed to rarely "cross the pond, unless I absolutely have to for work". The source adds, "Gwyneth was truly frightened by the intensity of the whole thing. She was feeling fragile at the moment and didn't need to face that." The couple was overwhelmed by photographers when they left the New York medical centre where Paltrow was being treated for "a gastrointestinal situation". Martin was later videotaped chasing a member of the paparazzi and grabbing his camera while shouting, "You've gotta have some respect".


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