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    [Live Preview] Coldplay - Scotiabank Place, Ottawa, ON (including Coldplay sightings!)

    scotiabankplace1.jpgColdplay will begin another North American tour tonight in Ottawa, Ontario, in support of the latest album, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends. While fans are likely to sing along to every word Chris Martin utters during the tour, they'll have some new lyrics to memorize when Coldplay's Prospekt's March EP arrives from November 19th. Coldplaying.com members have already celeb-spotted Coldplay in Ottawa (click the links for more information):


    I was driving to work this morning around 8:45 on Wellington and I saw a group of 4 or 5 guys dressed in shorts and t-shirts. It's chilly today in Ottawa so they definitely stood out. At first I was like why are those guys wearing shorts and tshirts when it's 3 degrees celcius outside and then I saw and screamed to my husband - it's COLDPLAY!! I definitely spotted Guy and Will but there was 2 or 3 others. I did turn the car around to o find them but by the time I did, they were gone - probably staying at Chateau Laurier. Looking forward to the show tonight! [thanks kokopolo]


    This morning i went to go get my tickets from scotiabank place and instead of seeing coldplay, i saw the entire senators team as they were leaving practice and heading to their cars. unfortunately, i don't care about hockey. [thanks redcurry]


    More discussion on tonight's show at the Ottawa live thread here

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