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    London fan reviews & photos (part 5): Coldplay at Wembley - Saturday 19th September 2009

    magicball8.jpgHere is the fifth part of the Wembley fan reviews, continuing with stories from the Coldplay concert on Saturday 19th September. Excellent reviews of the two Wembley shows continue to be posted at the Coldplay Live forum. Thanks to all the Coldplayers who have contributed with tweets, pictures, videos, reviews and of course masses of discussion so far! Here's said fifth episode:


    I thought I’d start writing this already, otherwise all the ‘fresh-ness’ of the post-concert would fade (even though I’m only doing 2 days later coz was way too knackered to do it before). Things started on the 18th, when Chelsea and I decided to go to the stadium to check out queues, entrances and even got listen to most of the 18th concert from outside the stadium. We had then decided that we were spending the night and Semy joined us. In the end, with everyone leaving Wembley and the place getting quite deserted we changed our minds and went home - we could all do with a little sleep and an early trip back to the stadium the next day - we knew it was going to be a loooong day...

    5am. We are in the tube station waiting to head to Wembley and start our saga. Got to the stadium just before 6am and after I did the rounds on all entrances we found that about 20 people in total had queued overnight. We were the third ‘group’ in our queue, so basically, in the front. Was good to find some cold playing folks around and as the morning went by, more and more yellow shirts kept appearing. After reassurances from staff that I’d manage to get in with my ticket on the ‘wrong’ queue, I decided to risk it and stay at H and J, where I knew most people. More Coldplaying people kept arriving, joining us in our queue, or coming to visit from other queues. Everything felt like it was a big family reunion. That feeling certainly helped the first 5 hours fly by, even though the second 5 went by slooooow. We had already made new friends in the queue, got people interested on the forum, loads wanting the yellow shirt. All done with a lot of Jaffa cakes going around. Almost 2 hours before the gates open things got messy at the queue and everyone was standing. We saw a lot of people ‘steal’ places from the ones who were queuing from early on, and we were decided we’d do everything to possible to avoid that people from the back passed us when the time came to go in.


    20090919jam23.jpgWhen they finally ‘let the dogs out’ (at least it felt like that, since security didn’t even cut the ribbon and just made us through it, under it, over it), we ran for our lives - and for the closest spot possible to the stage. Loads of security screaming at us “STOP RUNNING”, “SLOW DOWN” - to which we only responded “IT’S POWER WALKING, IT’S POWER WALKING!!!” - When the pitch came to sight, I just heard Kara screaming: “THERE’S STILL SPACE ON FRON ROW”, my heart felt like it was going to come out through my mouth. I saw it, the empty pitch. And the almost empty front row. We “power walked” there, and hugged the front row railing, not to be thankful, but to try and save space to the others coming behind us. We made it. Front Row. Wembley. Last gig of the tour. I couldn’t stop shaking. Or almost crying of happiness.


    White Lies came on and even though I had never heard any song I was impressed. They were really good. Really good start. Then, Girls Aloud. To me, they are a bad Spice Girls wannabe. Robotic, not really good dancers and simply annoying. I do admit I danced during the famous catchy songs. And have to say that Cheryl Cole - the only one I know who she is - is really pretty. And then Jay-Z. I had already heard the people here talking about how great he was and it was all true!!!! The man is an absolute showman, and engages the crowd in an amazing way. The songs were awesome and his attention to everyone in the crowd, pointing out person by person that was going crazy with him made me want to be his new best friend!!! He noticed us - well, he knows Jizo loves him. And he loves Jizo back - and he gave a shout to “you, the yellow group there”! Ha! We caught Jay’s attention!!


    Now, the wait for THEM. Minutes before it starts, rain. First lightly, but by the time Chris, Jonny, Will and Guy came to stage it was pouring. It was beautiful. I felt like the rain was washing our souls after so much stress and was welcoming the guys. It was a “Rainy Day”. When Chris first came out in the rain, the first reaction was towards Jonny - “it’s REALLY raining” I saw him saying to him - but that didn’t make anyone get less excited. Crowd or band. At some points it almost seemed like the rain was pouring according to the music. The strongest and fastest Clocks got, the strongest the rain poured. The Gods were listening to the concert. Listening to “Glass of Water” live was just amazing. Listening to the crowd chanting during CoL gave me chills. Fix you on the front row. Brought me memories back from when they played in Brazil. I missed the lantern. I always do. And I always cry… Strawberry swing, I just kept wishing Super Chris would show up. He was there, not wearing a cape, but there.


    Before hitting Stage B Chris goes to the end of the stage and changes his shirt. Shirtless Chris! What?! Gorgeous back! Stage B I couldn’t see a thing. When the band took their places back on stage while Chris would do THP and Postcards, the Jonnyfest up the front started calling out “Jonny, Jonny”, the stage was dark, but we could see him greening embarrassedly. when the crowd started chanting to VLV between THP and Postcards, Chris laughed and said: “Could you just wait for one more song?”. VLV was amazing, as always. 70k people chanting is a strong sound. And Chris was encouraging us to keep on singing even after the song was done. Only to interrupt us with Lost +. Jay Z joins. He should be with them every concert. It’s just amazing.


    Again I couldn’t find stage C. I just leaned on the railing and enjoyed the music. Trouble was beautiful. I don’t have words to describe. And Billie Jean seems to ave come to replace “Back for good”. Politik, incredible and strong as always. And Lovers in Japan. OMG. SO MANY BUTTERFLIES. The image of Wembley’s Arch almost invisible because of the butterflies was just perfect. And the neon butterflies. I cried. It was all just too beautiful. And I knew I’d never see anything like that again. When they were thanking the crowd, the “Jonny, Jonny” re-started. He heard us again. And so did Chris. And Will. They were laughing. They were genuinely happy and couldn’t hide it. They came back, as always. The Scientist was beautiful, but LiT ii, with the fireworks, with the atmosphere, the people around, with the band’s smile... Just a perfect moment. Now it was all gone. We saw them hugging on the corner of the stage, Phil joining. Just one of those moments you’ll always have in your memory.


    Outside re-meeting the Coldplayers. A mass of yellow wet shirts. Happy faces. Sad faces. Crying faces. Quickly saying our goodbyes, taking pictures, chatting. The family was together once more. And on Sunday, at the after gig meeting, once again. It was a sad picnic. Everyone was tired. Everyone knew it was all over - at least for this tour - and even though some tried to avoid it, we cried. It was an emotional moment. And chanting to VLV every time someone left the park just made my heart a little bit smaller. I don’t know when I’ll see you guys again, but I do know that whenever there is another concert, there’s no other group I want to be with. This weekend was the end of an Era. The Viva Era. Thank you soooooo much to all of you guys, coz if it wasn’t for the Coldplaying family the concert would have been good, but not nearly as amazing as the whole experience was. PS: Ian, we still hate you for making the website. I’m crying again. [thanks marianatsl]


    20090921frame1b.jpgBack from london. Arrived at Wembley at 8 o'clock, we were 4 friends with 2 tickets gate M/N and 2 tickets with gate B/C. We exchanged tickets with Anna and Perrine (thanks again). Waiting was long but we walked to see others coldplayers and finally 15 O'clock arrived soon. When gate opened i was surprised by the stadium. it's big. Many people were standing on front row. We managed to get front of the b-stage. I saw Aurelie (a-chan) we communicated by signs during the waiting and girl's Aloud... I liked White Lies, but girl's Aloud was boring... Jay-z is good, but it's definitly not my music style... And the rain began and Coldplay arrived. Concert was great despite the rain. All songs were good, and Coldplay were great. There were a special energy. It was brilliant. Gig passed so quickly. The B-Stage was wonderful, saw them so close. It was a great moment, and great weekend. Return is very difficult. [thanks marsu]


    Last night I went to sleep and I had my three glowsticks on my table next to my bed and I shut the lights and TWO OF THEM WERE STILL GLOWING! I kept looking at those and just couldn't sleep.. I put LRLRL on and fell asleep I think after fix you.. weird that they were still glowing after more than 24 hours! And I had a dream where I went next to the b-stage after the gig and asked for a setlist or something and I didn't get it, but the roadie was like "well do you want the piano? we don't need it anymore!" I was like "YESS" and he carried it outside for me and I was happily walking down the Wembley ramps with my VIVA piano! Oh btw I got TWO LRLRL!! They were giving them out at the M&N gate right next to where we met after for the pic! I ran when I saw a man with boxes giving them out and I was so happy I got it so I said "KIITOS!" to the man (kiitos=thank you in finnish) his expression was priceless and I just smiled VERY widely at him and then I got the other one when we went to the wembley park tube station, there was a man giving them out there too! I'm so happy I got them, because I was so sure I wouldn't and I didn't get any at Stockholm either so.. I'll probably end up giving the other one to my best friend who was at Stockholm too and didn't get it..but only if it REALLY matters to him an he begs me [thanks johkujii]


    Me and Johku arrived to Wembley at about 6.30am. We were a little bit confused about the queues 'cause we thought there would be only two of them. We decided to stay at the H/J queue (I at first had the M/N gate in my ticket but we switched them later just to make sure) with Chelsea, Semy and Mariana. More coldplaying people arrived a little later. Thank you so much for the company everyone! The time went so fast and we had so much fun at the queue!


    So before the gates opened it was all so crazy! I was panicing and so excited and so was everyone else. Then there was this announcement "the gates are now open" or something like that. The guard screamed "GO!" and we run for our lives! My leg was broken but I didn't even remember it so we got to the pitch and I saw this empty space almost in the middle of the front row and I have never run so fast as then! Johku managed to get to the front row and I was like half in it, but I willingly went to the second row 'cause it was so friggin tight. After all I got to the FRONT ROW 'cause there were two girls in front of me who were there just to see Jay-Z and they left after that. I still can't believe it, I can't even describe the feeling!! The final, first row at Wembley!!


    Well back to the support acts. White lies were really good. I liked them a lot. But Girls Aloud were horrible to me. Didn't like them at all, I think they were kind of fake. Then Jay-Z. He was great and the atmosphere was so awesome! The feeling when the lights went out and it started to rain. It was so exciting! The whole time Coldplay played was just so perfection. I was crying and laughing alternately for the whole time. I loved Violet Hill and In My Place in the beginning. And Glass Of Water was so great! I hadn't heard it live since Prospekt's March wasn't released last year I saw them at Stockholm. Yellow was great too of course. Fix You and after that Strawberry Swing were just perfect. So touched during Fix You and then happy tiers during Strawberry Swing. and before they got to the B stage Chris changed his shirt on stage! Viva La Vida was awesome (as always) and then Lost+ was too! Trouble, it was so sensible. It was such a beautiful moment. Cried so much. Politik was amazing. Lovers In Japan and the butterflies. The atmosphere was something that I'll never forget.


    They were all in a really good mood! Seemed so happy and they really had a good time! The hug on the stage was so lovely, but unfortunately I didn't see Phil joining. And we had finnish flags with "Finland Coldplay" in it and at least Guy and Chris saw them. And Johku had that "Shiver?" sign and Guy read it and his face was priceless. I think that Chris saw it too. The final was everything I had imagined and so much more! It was such a perfect day! Still can't believe it all happened. Thank you so much to you all! /edit: I forgot to give a mention to Billie Jean which I think was especially brilliant on Saturday. [thanks lindam]




    More photos of Coldplay at Wembley stadium, London, UK (19th September 2009):






















    More photos at jamesgourleyphotography.co.uk




    Vote for Jenny and win £500 prize pot for the Coldplaying Awards 2009!


    The forthcoming Coldplaying Awards 2009 just got a little tastier! Our admin person Jenjie has just submitted a personal entry into the Absolute Radio Live Stories mini-competition that closes on Friday 25th September at 5pm. Here's the interesting part - if Jenjie (Jenny) comes FIRST in the online voting competition, all winners of the Coldplaying Awards 2009 categories will go into a prize draw to win a share of £500! Five lucky category winners drawn out at random will each win £100 - but once again... ONLY if Jenjie wins the Absolute competition!


    VOTE FOR "JENNY: COLDPLAY" - http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/music/live/stories/voting_new.html






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