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    [Manchester Preview] Coldplay Help Out Post-Winter Blues In NH

    As the great thaw comes we New Englanders have less cause for joy than, say, those poor souls in Alaska or those penguins God clearly hates from that surprise hit documentary, but nonetheless more to celebrate than most. So as the air warms, the days grow longer, and time outside the cave becomes a bit more bearable, here are some modest suggestions for post-winter blues.


    On April 3, Chris Martin takes a night off from stumping for Third World debt relief to play the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester with his band Coldplay, where he will kindly relieve you of a mere $39.50 to $75 and, one imagines from his stated convictions, redistribute it to someone poorer than himself … Like Gwyneth maybe, or Apple certainly. (Apple is his daughter. Kids are poor. It is not part of their charm.)


    Read the full article here

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