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    'Moving To Mars' is unveiled... what did you think of the latest new track?

    movingtomarsposter2_1.pngYesterday we got to hear another track from Coldplay's forthcoming Every Teardrop is a Waterfall EP in the shape of 'Major Minus'. Now the EP line-up is complete following today's unveiling of 'Moving To Mars'. If you've yet to hear it (where have you been?!) you can listen to it at coldplay.com or at their

    channel. Don't forget to vote at the latest sliding scale poll just to the left!


    Moving To Mars is the third song in the new Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall EP that’s out digitally on Sunday 26th June via iTunes. It is considerably more downbeat than the previous two tracks from the EP, with much of the first minute or two derived from Chris Martin sitting alone at the piano before the other instrumentation kicks in. Stereogum described it as "a cosmic ballad with Chris Martin taking notes and poses from the 'Life On Mars' / 'Space Oddity' / Dark Side Of The Moon songbook."


    What did you think of the latest song to be unveiled? Let us know at the Moving To Mars sub-forum at the messageboard now! (Your best comments will be published here on the main site). Check out after the jump some of your early thoughts on the song... it definately has gone down a treat with Coldplayers around the world...!

    Oh wow. Goosebumps. You know, this is what I've been waiting for from the LP5 era. This is the track that should've been released opposed to ETIAW. Because this is beautiful and this is what Coldplay is about. Absolutely stunning piano work on it, and Chris's voice has had minimal tampering. He's taken the lower gravelly tone (like the beginning of Christmas Lights) and then mixed it with higher notes. And it makes it diverse and it works so well. And then when the rest of the instruments kick in, it's still not overdone and it still makes it feel surreal and beautiful and all these things. Just wow guys. Wow. 8/10 (but I'm sure listening more it will become 9... Maybe even a 10). [thanks Nattatouille]


    MTMpoll20110624.pngAnyone knows Donnie Darko? Amazing film, and the beginning of this song kind of reminds me of it, the soundtrack, the haunting sound. Different for Coldplay, but very typical of Pink Floyd for example, especially the guitar solo. Still, very beautiful. I voted 8. A 9 would be brilliantly amazing, a 10 is for A Rush Of Blood to the Head (Live 2003), my reference for perfection. [thanks Tryptophan]


    Overall thoughts: gorgeous track! A beautiful mix between old and brand new Coldplay. There's some Pink Floyd, some old Bowie and even some Cockney Rebel, but mostly Coldplay in there. This bodes really well for the album. [thanks Ireentje]


    Wow this is just a wonderful piece. It starts out with a very sad and jazzy tune and Chris' low voice and proceeds with a typical Coldplay sound we have not heard since X&Y. The piano again has the major role, accompanied by a blurry sound of Jon's guitar and acoustic guitar as we know from Life in Technicolor. Then there are these nice lead sounds from our dear Jonny, strings in the background, a carrying drumwork and a driving sound that remembers me of Christmas Lights. It seems Coldplay have kind of stepped back a little to what they used to be before Viva La Vida or Death and all his Friends, and i really love this new song. It gives me hope for LP5 to be absolutely brilliant - that is why it really deserves the 10 out of 10! [thanks princesanji]


    I can't express how impressed I am. This is by far the best new song I have heard. It is PERFECT. I closed my eyes and got chills all over my body - it is like X&Y / Twisted Logic part 2... PERFECT! PERFECT! PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [thanks Strawberry Swinger]


    Wow fuck! This song is so mind-blowing! Dreamy! Gorgeous! Mavellous! Tremendous! Can't describe it... so beautiful! PLEASE LISTEN TO THESE LITTLE DETAILS! THEY ARE SO GREAT! <3 <3 It would be a shame if MM and MTM aren't on LP5!! Hmm...but I love Major Minus and of course also Moving to Mars?! I can't believe that they have better songs behind! No matters now. This song is GREAT! Look at the ending...oh my god...close your eyes, feel your heart beating, your body breathing....and imagine how you visit a star far away...! hese details! I'm in LOVE! The building, the changes....oh my god, musically antoher brilliant track! [thanks COLDPLAYfanforever01]


    I wasn't so sure at the beginning but I'm really starting to love it after hearing it 4 times, especially the part when Chris sings ''we are meeting for the first time'' really love that!! And the guitar part at the end just beautiful! [thanks 42JTR]


    I have to be honest, after hearing Major Minus, I was a little apprehensive to hear MTM. I was nervous about the direction that they seemed to be heading in. I appear to be in the minority as I love ETIAW. The first 30 seconds or so of MTM, I have to be honest, I thought 'what are they doing?' Im not sure I like Chris' voice here, but then the song starts to build and becomes, quite frankly, awesome. I have listened half a dozen times since it was released in the last hour or so. I think I love it and it will become a classic up there with Scientist and Amsterdam, I think. I cant wait to hear this live at Splendour in the Grass! [thanks lucyb]


    I was NOT expecting a song like this, but as soon as it started I was all goosebumps, it's so beautiful. This is Coldplay, it couldn't be better. I love Major Minus, but this song is just from another planet (probably Mars). And ooh, Chris' voice... I melted. [thanks Blue Nails]


    Ok this song is gorgeous. I love how deep Chris' voice is at first, and then he moves into a higher register once the full instrumentals come in. It really shows off his range. And JONNY. Don't even get me started! He's just sounding better and better with every new song we get. I really love the lyrics too; they're really simple and lovely. To me this song sounds like the AROBTTH era mixed with X&Y, but also with enough "new" sounds to make it fit with the rest of their LP5 era songs. I can definitely see this one moving up into my most-listened-to Coldplay songs. Just lovely. [thanks Technicolor Sparks]


    based on one listen of MTM, i have to say it'll probably be my favorite of the three tracks we've heard. whereas ETIAW was immediately listenable, MTM feels like its going to have layers I'll pull back to reveal more beauty. I can't wait to throw my headphones on and listen to it! And isn't it funny that of all the songs we've heard MTM is the one song most people expect us not to see on the album? and I don't know who else feels this way, but it sounds like this song is EVERY coldplay era combined to PERFECTION. [thanks footyfan10]


    I'm starting to wonder if Guy is the mastermind behind the (epic on this song anyway) voice change-deal. He's the producer master out of them four no? And it sounds similar in ways to what they do in some of Apparatjik's songs (Especially the "Who knows when we'll be coming home at last". Just several times better. The higher vocal parts also remind me of Amsterdam for some reason. CAN'T. STOP. HITTING. PLAY. TOO. GOOD. TO. RESIST! [thanks Fix42YellowClocks]


    wow, absolutely not hoping for this (maybe) 'out of theme' songs. i was quite surprised after etiaw, major minus, charlie brown, etc, they released a song like this. so pure! Chris' piano is back!!! they don't put any fancy filter on chris' voice *phew* no electric eclectic sounds effects like waterfall or charlie brown. this song remind me to 'a message' from x & y, but this one is darker and more sentimental. 8/10 beautiful tracks, beautiful arrangement. But i have to say, major minus is still the best new songs. [thanks azkaazkaazka]


    10/10, its a goosebump inducing, elegant, dreamy, song. Chris experimented with different vocal ranges and Jonny Buckland was the star of the song. I enjoyed how it included a bit of every Coldplay album inside. The simplicity of Parachutes, the edginess of AROBTTH, the space/electronic roots of X&Y, and VLV's boldness (reminds me of 42 and Yes). The perfect song. [thanks missjasely96]


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