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    Rio De Janeiro: Guy Berryman speaks to Terra about touring and new album

    guyberryman2008a.jpgRio De Janeiro: Coldplay bassist Guy Berryman spoke with Brazilian music website, Terra, in the latest of Coldplay's Latin American interviews of 2010. Below is the roughly translated article of the Brazilian article found online. Guy confirms that Coldplay are hoping for a December release to their 'acoustic' fifth album, but if it doesn't appear by the end of the year then it won't be the first time a deadline has been extended. More discussion on this latest article is at the Coldplay forum now [thanks Iriden & marie/pims]


    A room with walls behind the makeshift stage set up at Square Apotheosis sounds out of one of a mandolin. A cordon of security guards wearing black will not let anyone get close. Testing chords and improvising a song on the premises is the group formed by Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Will Champion and Jonny Buckland.


    Coldplay is in Rio de Janeiro for the first show of Viva La Vida tour in the country, which will go through Sao Paulo on Tuesday. Bassist Guy Berryman is scheduled to leave the room to chat with Terra. Displaying a friendly smile and an education worthy of the reputation of the United Kingdom, he spoke for twenty minutes on the tour, the band's future and the music industry...

    20100228guyb1.jpgWhat do you think about Brazil?

    It's been great. I love the energy and vibe of the people here. Unfortunately we do not have much time here, we leave tomorrow. I would love to spend more time in Brazil and learn more Rio de Janeiro. I have a few hours tomorrow and I will try to do as much as possible.


    What has been the reaction of the audience to tour Viva La Vida?

    It's been too much. We're almost two years with this show. It took a while to get it right in the design and set list, but we got there. I think it is the best tour we did today. Certainly, the audience has been wonderful. The first show we did in Argentina was incredible.


    Really, why?

    I do not know. Well, I think the Latin American public is noisy. They react in an impressive way to music. We love coming here.


    How to you after 12 years of band, playing and traveling together, the will remains the same?

    We are very lucky, I guess. Many bands seem to get away with time and we do not. We have a very strong friendship. We've improved as musicians and really enjoyed ourselves. We continue with the hunger to make music and we are very excited about the new songs we're creating. We were in the studio, recording new material and will remain so, how long do we keep enjoying it.


    How will the next album? Do you have a big difference from the last? What can we expect?

    We're working on a new album that is more acoustic, organic. Not want to sound small. We want great, but we have some limitations, you know. In the manner of recording, the equipment we use.


    Yes, you used enough synthesizers and effects in the final disk. So the new album should sound very different ...

    I do not know. For now, we are only using acoustic instruments and very little amplification. It sounded very good. We do not know where this is going. But we have many things written and we are well pleased with what we've done so far.


    The disc should come out until Christmas, right?

    Well .. that's the plan. But you know. We have an incredible ability to disobey the dates planned. I do not know. But hopefully, to finish this tour, we can return to work and finish as quickly as possible. The only requirement is that is good.


    You continue working with producer Brian Eno?

    Yes, he is not so involved in production. But is joining us to test new songs, one or two times a week. It's great to have him around. He always brings new ideas ...


    As he influenced your work?

    He made us think differently. In the opened windows to the rhythms that we use. The structures of the songs are very different and he is always willing to try something new. He gets bored very fast. So, to keep his interest we have to keep moving and showing us new things.


    You have prepared something special for the show today?

    The show is pretty cool. Full of surprises. I think the best is that we have different stages. Let's each other, we close the hearing. For us it is important that approach. We do not like to stay away from the public.


    Speaking of the music industry. How would you feel if you knew that some of his fans simply copy your music from the Internet without paying anything for the band?

    I do not know. This is a very difficult question. No one really knows what will happen. We can not complain. We had so much success over the past ten years. I do not think we were very affected by it. Perhaps the new bands suffer more.


    What is your position? You release an album for free?

    If you reach the point where we release an album for free ... The artists have to find other ways. I think more and more bands and musicians are more open to the idea of doing business or have their music featured in films, for example. I think the subject is still taboo, but people over time will open more and find another way to make money with music.


    You hear some Brazilian artist?

    Yes, Sergio Mendes and Mark Vale ... Brazilians are have much rhythm.


    You have always been engaged in campaigns. The music for you to walk with the attitude, it can make a difference.

    I think the music or both. But we have access to a huge audience. People hear what we say. So when people approaching us and asking us to spread his message, we think we should. We have a great influence for many young people. So it is useful for those organizations that are important. And it really makes a difference. Especially the work we did with the campaign for Fair Trade. Many people got involved. We see people in supermarkets looking at products and seeing if you have the Fair Trade label.


    What was the best show of the tour Viva La Vida?

    Ah, there was no bad show ... If I were to name one, I would say that playing at Wembley Stadium in London, was a remarkable thing for us. Always dream, since young people in getting there.


    Do you have any music that you can not bear to touch?

    No Really, it has not. The set is very neat and is not a song is a journey. I still loved it and we only have eight more shows to finish. So we went through that very well.


    What music is working better with the audience?

    Viva La Vida, for sure. People sing along and it will be loud tonight (laughs).


    What is legal and what is annoying in a tour?

    It's great to see new countries, stay in great hotels. You know, just out of the English winter. It's great to come to a warm place. There is not much to complain about it. Just the fact of getting away from our families. I have a daughter three years old and I can not see her for five weeks.


    You do kind of ritual before going on stage?

    No, not sacrifice any animal or something (laughs). We do some vocal exercises and try to have a moment of silence together.


    Backstage photos of Coldplay's dressing room in Rio De Janeiro (28th February 2010):


























    Pictures by showcoldplay.com.br


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