Despite their successful musical trajectory and chart-topping albums, Starsailor have always shied away from the glamour of the music industry. In an interview for the media, they talk about Coldplay and their success:
Starsailor were one of the first bands to pioneer the sound that was later adopted by Coldplay and Snow Patrol. I ask how he feels about that. "In terms of Coldplay, to be fair, they came out around the same time. It would be rude of us to say you copied our sound," he laughs.
"But Snow Patrol, if you've heard their early records, it's very different to the sound of their last couple. I think they've taken a bit of Coldplay, a bit of Elbow, and maybe a little bit of our sound and used it to make successful music, so yeah, good luck to them."
So you don't think Chris Martin [pictured] deserves to be punched in the face or anything like that? He laughs and answers definitely not. "However, my only complaint about Coldplay is that sometimes they're a little bit too apologetic. They should just enjoy their success and their fame and not worry so much about what the critics think. I think they're a bit paranoid."
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Meanwhile, Keane would prefer it if you didn't mention Coldplay. The Boston Globe reports:
"The more recent comparisons—to Radiohead and Coldplay—still hold, especially when singer Tom Chaplin launches the most aching version of his smooth croon on the elegiac finale, 'Love Is the End.' But the guitar-less trio has quietly become one of the strongest pop purveyors of its generation and will no doubt soon be the influencer itself."
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