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    Toronto fan reviews (part 2): Coldplay rock Rogers Centre, 30th July

    magicball9.jpgAs promised and further to part 1, here are more excellent reviews of Coldplay's concert at the Rogers Centre, Toronto, ON (30th July 2009) have been posted at the Coldplay Live forum, that were written after the main review article was published. We'll have a third part shortly, in the meantime here's the second part, of just some of the many:


    Coldplay saved our house. Literally. We got back from America yesterday morning (my dad drove all night) and arrived to see the pipe in our fridge had burst and flooded our kitchen and dining room and parts of the basement. Everything is okay now, thank goodness for insurance! My parents wanted to stay longer in America but Coldplay comes first and a good thing too because I'm pretty sure our entire main floor and basement would have been damaged.


    So my sister and I arrived at the GA gate around 2:30. We didn't know where the other Coldplayers were but got in line anyway. We met cazmartini in line but didn’t know it was her yet haha. By 4pm or so, things started to get hectic. The security people said that they were going split up the line and stand at another gate and we were sent to another gate. People started to complain that now it was unfair for those who had lined up at 11am (someone apparently lined up at 6am!) and I agree that is definitely not fair...

    The security guard said that they would let the people in the original gate 4 minutes ahead of the gate from where we were moved to. We decided to move back to the original one. By 5pm-ish we overheard that they were going to cut right before us and move a slew of people in front of us because the other gate wasn’t being used anymore which is really unfair as a lot of people in the back of that line came later than us. But the coldplayers stuck up for one another and told the security that we and the girls behind us that we had been here for a long time and they started the line up after us. Coldplayers rock!


    Gates were supposed to open at 6 but they were having technical difficulties and opened it around 6:20ish (I think that was the time). People wanted to cut us but the mother of one of the girls from buffalo made sure no one did. Coldplayers are awesome, did I mention that? After getting in, my sister was behind but we had decided that one of us would have to book it to get a good place and I walked fastly (not allowed to run) and caught up with cazmartini and the girls from Buffalo and my sister soon followed and got to know one another. The centre of the pit was filled up already (by the 6am and 11am people, they deserve it) so we were on the centre-ish right of the stage, still front row! Kitty Daisy & Lewis came on around 7:30 and I thought they didn’t really suit Coldplay’s genre of music but they were okay. I don’t think many people liked them. But the instruments were pretty cool! They played five songs or so. Elbow came on and they were amazing, really liked them. I’m planning on getting some of their songs. They played a handful of songs as well. They ended at 9pm.


    My legs were starting to hurt from standing but the moment the lights went down and Technicolor came on, I didn’t think about my legs once during the remainder of the concert. Everything seemed so surreal, Guy was right in front of us doing his thing on the bass and Chris was flying around everywhere on stage (even did a somersault!). We couldn’t see Johnny and Will that well but we did occasionally see them and they were full of energy! The entire band was so energetic and Guy was smiling so much!! The pit people were great as well, tons of chanting and singing from the start to the end of the concert. The entire stadium (I think it was 45,000 instead since the whole stadium wasn’t used) was singing as well. Yellow was amazing and the yellow balloon balls and noticed that people were trying to put them on the stage and Chris popped a couple with his guitar. All of their songs were so perfect but at times Johnny and Guy’s guitars seemed to have problems but I don’t think anyone noticed. Chris made jokes along the way (about his hair, the garbage strike) and included Toronto in some of the songs which were great!! They went into the crowd on the c-stage (Green Eyes, DWNC, Billie Jean) and they sounded so amazing. I loved Green Eyes!! Politik was amazing as well, my fave song! I filmed it too! Lovers of Japan and the confetti were amazing and they glowed in the dark and it looked so pretty!! They said their goodbyes after DAAHF and my mom thought that was the end (she was in the 500s) and had left early, missing the last two songs. The stadium sang happy birthday to Will (the pit people were trying to sing the song before in the concert but didn’t really work out) and brought out balloons and a cake which was really nice! After they played the last song, I still wanted more; the concert went by so fast! They said they were coming back a couple of years later which made me sad but understood why.


    I took tons of pictures and videos along the way and some turned out great! It was difficult to take a good picture of Chris, he moved too much! As well as the getting a picture of the entire band. A lot of people were staying behind to get a setlist but we had to leave quickly as our dad was waiting outside. But we decided to ask a man in red coat who looked as though he could be the head security and he pulled a setlist from his pocket and gave it to us! As we were leaving, we saw a woman with Will’s balloons and took a picture of them, she was so lucky! It was so difficult to leave Rogers Centre, everywhere was clogged with people trying to get out. It was because of the free CDs and we went outside to see that all of the CDs from our gate was all gone. But our mom knew something like this would happen and got our CDs beforehand. I will never forget this night, it was fantastic!! It was so great to see other coldplayers!! Most of all, to see Coldplay so up close. Thank you Coldplay for saving our house!! [thanks Aunie]


    Wow what a show... Can I just say that Coldplay fans are the best. We were in the front row of the pit along with Aunie from here and another guy who's name I can't remember (sorry) and the 3 young girls from Buffalo. Also standing with us were 3 grade 8 boys who were at their first concert ever... Ahhh they were so cute. We met David and Dj in line and they were really great at holding our spot when we needed a loo break or a walk.. also David made sure we got to the front of the pit. What an amazing guy. Aunie is sure to have the best pics. I am sure she will be posting later. Wonder what happened to Marie? anybody hear from her? Anyway it was an amazing concert and my daughter and I had the best time. Hopefully they will be back soon.. Can't wait to see all the pics... my camera is crap and died before we could get any shots... thank goodness for Aunie [thanks cazmartini]


    It's probably been said thousands of times before, but the concert was absolutely amazing! This was my very first concert and I had so much fun! I'm also new to Coldplaying although I have heard about it before. I was quite impressed and more than satisfied with everything about the show, except for the fact I was one of the unlucky fans around Gate 5 that didn't receive a free copy of LeftRightLeftRightLeft... I went to the concert with a friend, but we had separate tickets, so I spent the night alone. My favourite part of the night were the butterflies during Lovers... although they never reached my section, my friend had brought a bag and opened it up to get about a dozen. Another interesting part was on the way back home via ttc and being several stations away from the Rogers Centre, still being able to find some butterfly confetti floating about as the subway swooshes by! One thing is for sure last night will be an experience I hope soon to never forget. and I can't wait for the next concert! (Even if I have to wait a couple years). [thanks jonathanwm]


    More new pictures of Coldplay at Rogers Centre, Toronto, ON (30th July 2009):






















    Pictures by pink_elephant @ Coldplaying




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