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    [Toronto Night II Review] Pushing us on our Strawberry Swings

    magicball6.jpgTwo years and 5 months after Coldplay last rolled into Toronto, I once again found myself back in the rigidly designed bucket-seats of the Air Canada Centre for their second of a two night stop along the Viva La Vida Tour. One of the great things about a Coldplay concert is the people. We all know on one level or another that Coldplay fans love good music. It was with little shock that the fan seated next to me was into such sonically pleasing artists as Radiohead, Sigur Ros and U2. It was funny to me when an thought struck my mind, going to a Coldplay concert is a little like attending church, except the people are friendlier. It was also a great night because my father was with me and he loves the band (what a cool dad eh?).


    The opener, Santogold, left little to be desired. She sounded somewhat like a banshee in heat, and it seemed as though she couldn’t figure out whether she wanted to be Duffy or Beyonce. At any rate it was probably a little ridiculous to have an R & Besque (if that’s a word) artist at a Coldplay concert - it’s akin to having Carrie Underwood…well open for anyone. But I digress.


    Read the full review here [thanks mimixxx]

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