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    12 Coldplay Months of 2009: FEBRUARY (eleven superstars together!)

    february.jpgFebruary started with news about the recording sessions, which included some news from inside the studio and reports about how the band “banned” Chris from the studio.


    Chris said: "The letter was to all of us he said that he thought the last album was OK but it could have been much better. He said that he still wanted to work with us on the next album but that I was banned from the studio! He said that it would be better without me for the first two weeks - 'You can do better without the singer'! He said. It has turned out to be a good idea though because the band's been free to try out loads of weird things without me getting in the way."


    Coldplay split? Of course not!, Roadie #42 posted: “When I say "the fellas", there is one person notably absent from these sessions. Chris has been banned from the studio for these first two weeks. Now, before the rumour mill cranks its way excitedly into life, this does not indicate any kind of split in the camp...

    This is an experiment of Brian's (a phrase I feel I may have a hard time not over-using as the project progresses). Rather than have Chris's demo recordings come in fully-formed, leading the songs in a particular direction, Will, Guy and Jonny are constructing their own musical underpinning with little idea of what Chris had in mind. For many of the tracks, they hear nothing but the vocal track.


    In an interview, Chris announced a new album... for free! "What we want to do is try to giveaway a live album for free. We’re playing a lot of shows in the summer and I think what we would like to do is — bearing in mind the recession we are in — record the live album then give it as a gift. We are just trying to work out how to do that. It’s obviously a bit tricky in terms of record contracts and things but it would be great. It’s a way of saying thank you."


    Read the full February 2009 Coldplay review article in the Coldplay forum here [thanks Lore & coldplaying-forever27]




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