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    Ambassador Chris Martin moves a step closer to major honour

    Ambassador Chris Martin moves a step closer to a major honour

    We have a few news updates on Coldplay's charismatic frontman, Chris Martin, as he seemingly treads towards being the perfect role model in every way! This week, he keeps his feet on the ground while posing fans and takes on a new responsibility, for 15 years


    Chris Martin - Curator of Global Citizen Festival


    Chris Martin has signed up for an Ambassadorial role with the Anti-poverty group, Global Citizen and he will serve as the charity organisation's Curator.


    The singer, who has given much of his time to charitable causes, spoke about his new role in his personal life:


    Chris MArtin


    In an interview, Mr. Martin said he hoped to use his celebrity contacts to bring attention to the organization’s causes, including issues of extreme poverty, gender equality and environmental sustainability. “I felt like we often do these events and ask everyone else to get involved in something and then go back on tour,” he said. “It’s nice to have something more concrete, for people to recognize that someone else is invested for the long haul.”


    The role “just entails going through my phone to work out who to ask what,” he added of his A-list contact list.


    For three years, Global Citizen has hosted a concert in Central Park — featuring artists like Jay Z, Carrie Underwood, Alicia Keys and Stevie Wonder — to coincide with the United Nations General Assembly. This year, in addition to the September show on the Great Lawn, produced by Ken Ehrlich, Global Citizen is organizing an Earth Day event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on April 18, and another in Germany on June 7, timed to the G7 conference of world leaders.


    The events are all free, with tickets rewarded through a “gameified” system, Mr. Evans said, in which users are asked to take various “actions,” like writing letters to politicians, volunteering or signing petitions.


    This year marks the end of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, a 2000 blueprint to address international issues like the spread of AIDS and universal education. September will see the launch of a new set of goals agreed upon by the U.N.


    “The last 15 years have been the most successful anti-poverty push in human history,” Mr. Evans said. “It’s statistically possible to end extreme poverty in the next 15 years. Our job is to create the political and social will around that.”


    For his part, Mr. Martin said, “If Taylor Swift is on the same stage as some goals, more kids in school are going to say, ‘Well, what is that?’ The role of musicians is to just help that pill be swallowed a bit easier because of the glamour of song.”


    Source : New York times


    Update on Freedom of Exeter award


    Good news. The path has been paved for Chris Martin to be honoured for the 'freedom' of his hometown in Exeter, South West England. We previously reported on the campaign to get recognition for Coldplay's frontman last year. The campaign didn't have the ideal ending in 2014, as humble Chris Martin didn't feel like he deserved it at that moment in time.


    When the council set up a meeting to discuss whether Chris should get honoured, they didn't have a set of guidelines on considering creative professions such as Musicians. This has changed and now future nominations will also be decided by the following criteria:


    For those who have achieved national, international or world recognition for excellence in their particular field of expertise (be it business, entrepreneurial, sport or any other area);


    The Devonshire born singer has still left the door open to the award in the future and with these new guidelines, it should happen sooner without a lengthy process and we hope that Coldplay will return to Exeter once more, like in 2009 to celebrate Chris' inevitable achievement.


    Coldplay Exeter 2009


    The latest fan photos!


    Everyone wants a selfie with Chris Martin. These fans are among the latest who have taken one in New York, where Chris has been hanging around lately:


    Coldplay selfie





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