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    Chris Martin reveals several titles for the new Coldplay album

    20100122hfh6a.jpgFurther to yesterday's new Q article revealing the inspiration behind Coldplay's fifth album being old school American graffiti and anti-Nazi movements, Chris Martin has been speaking to The Sun about some of the tracks within said album. Read the full article and then more discussion on the new song titles at the Coldplay forum here onwards.


    Chris said: "We're hungry and very fired up. In five years we'll be in our late 30s. You have to have your best work done by then. I'm trying to make sure there are three songs that start with the same letter. On the last album it was L. It might be U this time. One of them is Up With The Birds. It might be a duet, but we don't know who with yet."


    Aside from song titles beginning with the letter U, Chris revealed there are tracks slated for inclusion on the album including 'Hurts Like Heaven' and 'Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall', which will likely be the album closer. Describing the sound, Chris added that guitarist Jonny Buckland is coming into his own. He said: "'Hurts Like Heaven' is all Jonny. It only has two chords. The songs are group-y, its guitar-y. Johnny is coming out of his cocoon. We're just trying some risky things."

    Don't forget... the countdown has begun...!




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