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    Chris Martin's Top 10 Funniest Quotes: Countdown

    chrisalig1.jpgThanks to Jessica who went through all the Coldplay interviews she could find, and put together Chris Martin's Top 10 Funniest Quotes. She goes on to say, "It's a quality list and will make for some happy Chris Martin fans."


    “I drool all over the place…If you’re in Row A at a Coldplay show, you can really go away with a lot of DNA. You could literally re-create us.” - Chris Martin


    “Can we got on with this? I’ve got to do AIDS and Alzheimer’s and land mines this afternoon, and I want to get back for Deal or No Deal. Plus, Gwyneth’s making drumsticks.” - Chris Martin on Extras


    “I couldn’t possibly write a hit record when I’ve got a beer belly, so we’re just trying to write as many songs as possible before that D-Day, or B-Day it should be - for Belly Day.” - Chris Martin


    Read the full list of quotes at dresslikechrismartin website here

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