Coldplay have tonight announced the tracklisting for the forthcoming album, Mylo Xyloto . Discuss the official tracklisting now at the Mylo Xyloto subforum. In total there are 14 songs, most of which were already mooted for the record, but M.M.I.X. is a previously unknown track (if you were not aware, MMIX is Roman Numerals for 2009 - do you know the significance? Does it even stand for 2009?) Read on after the jump for the graphic containing the complete tracklisting.
DLIBYH is indeed Don't Let It Break Your Heart as was widely expected. Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall and Major Minus from the recent EP are both included in the album but Moving To Mars did not (as we feared) make the final cut. Hurts Like Heaven was included, following comments taken from previous interviews that it wouldn't be. Beneath the tracklisting (which we assume is the rear of the album cover) there are 14 symbols, each representing a track.
There are in total FOUR tracks that start with the letter U - Us Against The World, U.F.O., Up In Flames, and Up With The Birds. The significance of this? Well, back in November 2010, Chris said: "I'm trying to make sure there are three songs that start with the same letter. On the last album it was L. It might be U this time. One of them is Up With The Birds. It might be a duet, but we don't know who with yet."
Just some of your comments following the tracklisting announcement:
i'm over the moon, Charlie Brown, Us Against The World and Hurts Like Heaven have made my day 14 songs too! Glad to see Chris got his way with the number of tracks in the end. there's a logo for each song. 14 songs, 14 logos. just count them not hard to work it out. UATW logo is a CK turned sideways, making it look like a person, I doubt Car Kids made the album otherwise surely it'd be there or an extra logo would be. God dammit I can't wait for the 21st of October now!!! [thanks squibby92]
Finally! Happy to see so many songs, I can barely wait for the album... I just wish that the damn ETIAW wasn't there and MTM was... I am sad that they don't see how amazing MTM is... ETIAW in the damn middle? well that was unexpected! here's me hoping there are some instrumentals, cause otherwise it'd be far too long and cause i can't picture songtitles like UFO or MMIX having even decent lyrics.. [thanks Strawberry Swinger]
We have to give some credit to the boys. I think that it is a fantastic tracklisting, especially considering that it has 14 tracks. Furthermore, there is at least one track (M.M.I.X.) which we have never heard about. I concur with the comment that the transition from ETIAW to Major Minus won't be the best one, but we already got such transition in the ETIAW-EP. The best thing about this tracklisting is the fact that each song get's its own symbol, which I think it is pretty original. I really hope Mylo Xyloto is the only instrumental but I really doubt it given the rule on album's time that the band has. But who knows, I never expected a 14 tracks album. With that being said, I am now sure that I won't hear to anything else after Paradise in order to save half of the album (7 tracks) for the moment when I hear the whole thing for the first time. It's getting closer folks, the boys are back and I am sure they will rock the world AGAIN. [thanks the_escapist]
Not seeing why some are unahppy with MTM's exclusion from the album. I guess it's too bad for the average fan who may not ever know if its existence, but WE know it exists and WE heard it already. It does not matter (to me) whether MTM is or is not on the album since we heard it already. I would be saying the same if MTM WAS on the album and (for example) Major Minus wasn't. Again, all I wanted was to hear it and its exclusion or inclusion on the main album doesn't matter. [thanks jc90]
I am so happy with this, we could not have wished for more. I'm also happy that ETIAW is not the final track, because that would always be a small anticlimax for me, even though I like it. The only thing is, I'm afraid it will be too long.... Ah whatever. Edit: oh and I love the symbols. [thanks Blue Nails]
I think ETIAW stands in contrast with MM. Maybe it will function as an album divider, where the positive part is the first one and it culminates with ETIAW and then the "dark" part begins, starting with MM, going through Up In Flames, etc. Hopefully it will all have a happy ending though with Up With The Birds. Anyone else thinks M.M.I.X. does not stand for roman numerals? After all, if it is roman numerals, why the punctuation? I think it might be a new acronym of sorts. And I do not think DLIBYH is a cheesy title. Maybe by itself, but I think in the context of the album it might actually be very emotional...After all my heart would be breaking if everything just went up in flames. [thanks valypan]
I reckon Car Kids is on there as a hidden track. It isn't on any of the databases but Chris wouldn't have had Car Kids written all over the back of one of his shirts if it wasn't being used or even just a b side. Dont worry guys this album could be even longer than we expected. I think the whole 42 minutes long went out of the window ages ago! It seems like they have written too many songs! [thanks Samuel_94]
I'm extraordinarily irked that they didn't put MTM on there when they simply could have lobbed off ETIAW and attributed that to festival material. But there are 13 songs (I'm not gonna count a song that I'll always skip), so I suppose I can't complain too much. [thanks NumbersGirl]
I am very happy to see the tracklist and know that we will hear 8 tracks brand new never heard before! There is absolutely no way we're getting an EP after the album; Chris said in an interview they were going to finish 13 songs; judging at that point three were already out in the world (Every Teardrop is a Waterfall EP), and two are on the album tracklist (ETIAW and MM), that must mean 12 songs out of 13 are on there, but one has been left out. Even that might be released as a b-side at some point. Does this make sense? I don't know, so excited about the whole thing! Compared to the material from Viva era, there were 22 songs released by Coldplay, and I'm not even counting Fun, Lukas or Famous Old Painters, which were also mixed and mastered. So, perhaps this now is a situation where they've just put everything out, and that's fine by me! [thanks Miha]
14 songs? I bet a couple of tracks are very short instrumental/intermissions like MX, MMIX & A Hopeful Transmission. Might be completely wrong but thats my guess! [thanks bedtime83]
Thoughts and speculation: I'm guessing at least 3 of these are short instrumentals (MX, MIX and UFO?) What I would love is for each of Johnny, Will and Guy to get a solo feature in the instrumentals that could translate to the tour. On tour ETIAW would transition perfectly into a Will drum solo. Bass solo's just rock in general, and with Johnny getting alot of pub by the band for this record it would make sense for him to have a guitar solo track. The album is 46-50 minutes long, so about 4 minutes per track on average, then the instrumentals. I like the symbols correlating to each song. HLH, Paradise and Charlie Brown is going to be a killer part of the album. It looks like there will be no hidden tracks, which is great because I despise that gimmick. ETIAW was obviously going to make it as it fits what they said the theme would be perfectly, so I don't know why the haters are all upset. With how this is unfolding this may become my favorite Coldplay album. Pumped, glad this is out of the way before Paradise drops on Monday. [thanks The Duke]
I must admit I'm not a fan of some song titles and that Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall looks weird just stuck in the middle there, but I'm sure it'll all sound fine when we hear the album. There will no doubt be a lot (6, maybe 7) singles from this depending on how long they're touring for. And like I said, I'm expecting the album to be lengthy. 55-70 minutes I think. Which could be a problem, I mean their longest album so far is X&Y and I am not a fan of that album at all, it just can't hold its own weight in my opinion. [thanks TwistedPolitik]
Some terrible track names for sure, and ETIAW into Major Minus has to be the album transition from hell (at least I can skip it in one chunk), but at least the latter half of the album is stacked with thus-far unheard material. [thanks Corkus]
Oh dear, 14 songs? I guess Chris won out and got what he wanted. I hope it's not too long like X&Y. The only surprise on the tracklist is MMIX, which is Roman Numerals for 2009. The rest we already knew the titles of. Now we can finally stop all those silly tracklisting threads. Disappointed to see ETIAW on there but if there's a new mix and it works well in the context of the album I might change my mind about the song and learn to like it. [thanks Cleggy]
I'm disappointed that ETIAW is on the album. Not because I don't like it, but because now the artwork won't be on my phone since Moving to Mars' official artwork is the EP's text on white. (I'm a fanatic for having all the single artworks with their respective B-sides as tracks.) I really like how each song has an icon. Strange that UATW got the Car Kids logo though. I expected Car Kids to be a lyric of a song, so I would have assumed that logo to go with said song. [thanks periahdark]
I've mentioned it before, but I am severely glad all of our prediction of hearing half the album turned out to be false. All the festival songs are great, and the only song I plan on listening to is "Paradise" until October 24. We love you, Coldplay! You made my day. [thanks DundahMifflin]
There must be some short songs there. Eveything we heard until now are normal lenght songs (expect MX), so how to fit those 4-4 1/2 minutes song in a 42-45 minute album with 14 tracks? [thanks Prospector]
I'M EXCITED. No more cynicism from me (although I never really was about anything other than the ETIAW title)!!!!!!! I'm ecstatic that there are so many songs, and I can't wait for the songs we haven't heard (especially Up in Flames since R42 keeps talking it up) Overall, I'm super super pleased! Also, I'm not going to criticize titles before I hear the songs themselves. I also love the symbols at the bottom, that is awesome. Now I think I'll avoid listening to any other new songs that they debut live, because I want to leave some surprises for the album release! [thanks notlost92]
tracklist AND album finished!! Niiiice! I'm surprised by the 14 songs, but like many of you, I'm guessing a few instrumentals and/or 'parachutes' length songs. So the total length must be like VLV. Anyway, can't wait to hear what UFO sounds like xD!! [thanks a-chan]
Firstly: Great to have a final tracklist now! I'm glad that there are at least 6-7 songs which are unknown! Personally I believe the album will be around 50 minutes - a bit like Viva just without hidden tracks. I'm curious how much instrumental songs there are... but I think MMIX and UFO aren't instrumentals - not in the middle of the album! Maybe the short intro to ETIAW gives you an image of MMIX?! So sad that "Tomorrow" didn't make the cut - interesting song title. Well, now there are the titles and I'm looking forward to some explanations (album title and at least some info about the several songs...) [thanks Major_Love]
My only worry... is that we know too much! Obviously we heard ETIAW and Major Minus back in June. We will be hearing Paradise next week, and MX, Hurts Like Heaven, UATW, Charlie Brown, PoC have been heard at festivals and apparently Up In Flames and DLIBYH are being added to the tour setlist along with paradise...that means that we have already heard 10 of the 14 songs that are on the album! What I enjoyed about VLV was the fact that (if I'm not mistaken) we had only heard 3 songs: Viva La Vida, Violet Hill and the acoustic version of Lost before the album came out, so were there tons of new songs to hear completely for the first won't be the same for MX! If I am right about DLIBYH and Up In Flames being debuted live before the release of the album, I think I will steer clear of listening to them before the album is released...I want more of an experience when I first listen to the album! [thanks iPsy]
I did not expect the tracklisting to be announced so soon afterwards, although I wish I had seen it happen live, but I had no idea that it was just about to be announced, so glad Charlie Brown, Hurts Like Heaven, Up In Flames, and Don't Let It Break Your Heart have made the album, I reckon personally that Mylo XYLOTO, Up In Flames, and Don't Let It Break Your Heart, could be epic 7 minute songs, and that we are in for a 70 minute album, and a real treat when October 24 comes for us English. [thanks Jamesfish]
I'm way late for the party. I went to work and then went to see Contagion right after work so I've been gone like 11 or 12 hrs. It's so nice to come home to this! Here's my two cents. I'm so glad the album has 14 tracks. There will be 5 songs of which I have never heard once I pick up the album and that makes me happy. I thought there would only be one or two tracks that I hadn't heard. I'm going to hear Paradise, DLIBYH, and Up in Flames all before the album comes out since they're playing them at Austin City Limits and I'm going to be there. I'm glad that ETIAW is not closing the album. The use of A Hopeful Transmission near the end of the album gives me hope that the album's story will have a happy ending. [thanks lotrobsessed101]
Ok, let's put this together: What we have here is a concept Album (Chris mentioned that before). The amount of Songs (14 in total with - maybe - a hidden 15th track) is typically for a concept Album but not for Coldplay. This got me excited first because (and i guess i speak for most of the audience here) the more songs the better. But here's the thing I stumbled upon: One time Chris said that every Album should not contain more than 42 min of music/songs. If this had been the ideal on MX too, then some of those songs would just be some short material/instrumentals to fill the gabs between the "main"-songs. It relates to the idea of a concept album aswell: some of these albums tell a story and you have to hear them as a whole (which is not bad actually) and some songs could be very short in order to fill story gaps.... I might be wrong but this aspect really got me wondering. 14 songs on a coldplay album? Damn, that's huge oO But if the 42-minute-ideal is given here, some of them will eventually be very short... [thanks Inko]
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