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    Coldplay Live Reviews and Setlist - Heineken Jammin' Festival, Venice, Italy (9th June 2011)

    Coldplay played the Heineken Jammin' Festival, Venice, Italy last night (9th June 2011). They again played the same five new songs, which were Hurts Like Heaven (opening song), Major Minus, Us Against The World, Charlie Brown and the new single Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (closing song). Sadly we didn't get to see Princess of China again tonight.


    Coldplay's website once again blogged superbly throughout the day and you can read all the photoblog discussions including your views on the latest pictures, interviews, videos and updates at the Coldplay forum (warning: nearly 90 pages now and counting!). More live discussion on this show is at the Coldplay Live forum. Some excellent photos have been uploaded at Flickr today courtesy of Devu, and also at the Jammin' fansblog online magazine. Thanks to everyone who has contributed on the forums, Youtube and twitters. We'll have more on this show over the next few hours/days!


    20110609dev1b.jpgSetlist (Confirmed):


    Intro (Back To The Future themetune)

    Hurts Like Heaven


    In My Place

    Major Minus


    Cemeteries Of London

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

    Violet Hill

    The Scientist

    Us Against The World


    Viva la Vida

    Charlie Brown

    Life Is For Living



    Fix You

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall


    Picture courtesy of Devu @ Flickr


    Last word from the Coldplay blog: 1.10am: So, we made it to the cars *just* in time. And now we're back in the UK. Everyone seemed very pleased with how the show went tonight, and spirits were high on the flight home (not least because the clock had just ticked into band PA Vicki's birthday!) Thanks again for reading. We'll see if we've got any more photos worth posting in the morning. Goodnight!


    I really need to start working this morning, I will hopefully write more when I get home and post some pics as well (though I'm really not sure if they're worth posting, it was almost impossible to take any as I was pushed from basically everywhere, not in a bad way, but if you can't stay firm with the arm you get a blurred pictures fest ). Just reading around tough, as much as the people really enjoyed the gig, almost everyone was let down by how they didn't even say goodbye at the end. I've read the blog and I saw it was just because they had to catch the flight, but 99,9% of the people there didn't, so I can totally understand how they tought the band was coming back again, especially because we stayed there for other 5 minutes trying to calling them back even when the lights were already switched on and the roadies were on already on stage. I was in the second row and saw Chris taking a mic and say something just when he was going away but the sound was switched off and no one heard anything, not even us there in the front, so yeah it was a bit of a meh moment to end the gig like this. Leave you with some pics from here and a short video from here [thanks iriden]

    Well, just woke up after a bunch of sleeping hours. My feet are broken... too much time standing in the very first rows could be sadly painful! But I was waiting for that concert as much as I could bear! The gig was amazing, Chris' voice seemed better than the two festivals in Germany, and there was a sense of knowing-more-than-before-about-how-to-perform-the-new-songs. I was surprised to hear a lot of Italian fans singing the new songs, especially HLH and Charlie Brown. Will's performance was literally terrific, but Jonny Buckland's one was the best one ever heard by him. I think the new songs are so good as performed live, but Charlie Brown is still my favourite, and it seems the band is agreed also: they plat it with more energy than the others. Great renditions of GPASUYF (even if Chris' intro has to be rediscussed because it doesn't really fit), Politik, Cemeteries Of London, In My Place and Lost! were probably played in a slower way that the past. But hearing Life Is For Living was the most sensational experience of the night! Very very good show, one of the best I've seen so far and surely in the TOP 5 of the shows performed in Italy. I fell in love with Charlie Brown, it's marvellous, even if Major Minus has the most terrific impact since 3 or 4 years for a Coldplay show. Just a complaint: no greeting from the band at the very end of the gig, but then I've read with Denise they had to reach the airport quickly, so... I forgive them! [thanks coldpatrix]


    Hi there everybody. I'm fucking destroyed. 16 hours waiting for coldplay. 1 km run. Front row dead center achieved. Ill and sick. Wtf. It was incredible. But it was a nice gig. I really like Hurts like Heaven, UATW, Major M and Charlie B. God put a smile was AWESOME. I rocked as always during Politik (WTF, thanks coldplay for having given to us this wonderful piece of music). I cried for Life is for Living, and it's the second time I cry for coldplay. It was ASTRONOMICAL. Thanks again Phil for listening to us. The most beautiful moments were when Will was greeting to me at the beginning of the gig, or when Chris pointed me cause I was not singing ETIAW, then I started sing it (Sorry guys, but I cannot love that song ) But the greatest one was during Life is for Living. Really guys. It was one of the best moment of my entire life. I was so full of joy. (even if there was such a poor number of people singing during that, what a shame). Anyway, now I'm at home, more ill and sick, but happy for having seen them again. I'm a little bit disappointed for the length of the concert, for the fact that Glass of Water was took away and for the classical Italian disorganization. But well, it was a festival. And yep, as always, I'll never stop hoping in a full band return for Shiver. Not only half the band as I heard in Liverpool and Newcastle (epic howewer..). Here from Italy, happy for being on the live photoblog again, for the 4th time, goodbye everybody, see u soon guys. [thanks axe]


    I arrived home today, a bit tired but happy. It still feels a bit surreal to see them live, even if it was for a third time for me. I loved that they played Life is for living, I loved the new songs and I enjoyed ETIAW much more live than recorded. But I was expecting them to come back for the second encore, I wasn't prepared for the concert to end after the first one, so I was left a bit dissappointed. I agree with Denise, that it seemed like they were looking at the clock. And it felt like they were less personally involved. But maybe that was only my impression after seeing them in Liverpool, which can't be compared, of course. I was also dissappointed by the people around me, who were chatting, phoning and taking pictures of themselves all the time. Especially during the more quiet songs, like Us Against the World, I could hear the people talking and not the music. And I was not so far away from the stage. Nevermind, I'm happy to have been there, especially because I won't be able to travel for quite a long time again. And I didn't take any pictures or videos and concentrated only on the show, so thanks everyone for yours! [thanks wisna]




















    Click here for more pictures courtesy of Devu @ Flickr


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