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    Coldplay Live Reviews and Setlist - Pinkpop Landgraaf festival, Netherlands (11th June 2011)

    Coldplay played the Pinkpop Landgraaf festival in the Netherlands last night (11th June 2011). They again played the same five new songs, which were Hurts Like Heaven (opening song), Major Minus, Us Against The World, Charlie Brown and the new single Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (closing song). Sadly we didn't get to see Princess of China again tonight... BUT... they did add Trouble to the setlist!


    More live discussion on this show is at the Coldplay Live forum. Some excellent photos have been uploaded at Flickr today courtesy of Pinkpop Festival's photostream, and also from 3FM, Jelmer de Haas, sanderbaks.com and Erik Luyten photography. Thanks to everyone who has contributed on the forums, Youtube and twitters. We'll have more on this show over the next few hours/days!


    20110611haa1.jpgSetlist (confirmed):


    Intro (Back To The Future themetune)

    Hurts Like Heaven


    In My Place

    Major Minus



    Cemeteries Of London

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

    Violet Hill

    The Scientist

    Us Against The World


    Viva la Vida

    Charlie Brown

    Life Is For Living



    Fix You

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall


    Picture by Jelmer de Haas


    Hi everyone!! Just came back from Pinkpop & Coldplay! they played a great set great energy! and they played trouble!! Only thing missing was an energetic crowd we were jumping and singing throughout the whole set but didn't get a lot of people to join in.. Still.. amazing night and coldplay was outstanding once again! I hope they play princes of china next show !! so in need of that song! oh and you guys should check out Selah Sue also! She played before coldplay .. amazing artist she rocked the place!! [thanks tom043]

    On the train back from Pinkpop. SUPERAWESOMENESS. Treasures gained: a handful of MX-confetti AND A FRICKIN' COLDPLAY GUITAR PICK! I'll try and upload some pix later tonight when I'm home. A couple us waited for 3 HOURS before finally getting to the front area, and we were nearly crushed to death by the hundreds of people behind us. And where we were standing the crowd were all screaming and dancing! Don't be too quick in judging us.. And Chris looked extremely happy with us, just sayin'. [thanks Ireentje]


    The only non-single that got most of the crowd's attention was Charlie Brown. The majority of the crowd just lost their focus while they were playing songs like Major Minus, Cemeteries of London and Politik. I thought it was an outstanding performance though and they played Trouble! The strange thing was that most of the people actually were at the festival because of Coldplay (and maybe some other bands who play on other days). It was kind of disappointing to even see people leave during Politik. [thanks kj91]


    What is that with the bad crowd?? At least from my point of view, and I was way up front this was a superb atmosphere an the guys from Coldplay looked very happy. Just remember that this is a festival, and not everybody has the same taste of music. The perfomance was once again superb, even though Chris admitted some little, as he called it, "fuckups"... And I have to state once again, ETiAW is one hell of a live concert song! [thanks PeeJay]


    I got back home late last night after a long day at Pinkpop. I had a wonderful time. I don't think the crowd was bad. If it was a bit more subdued compared to Werchter two years ago, I think it was because of the time. Coldplay was scheduled at 9pm, which is very early. It was still light when they started their set. At Werchter, Rock am Ring, the headliners are on a lot later in the evening and that automatically creates a different atmosphere. There's a longer build-up. [thanks Bye]


    At the front we were going nuts, I've jumped all the time and All the guys looked very happy with us indeed! So yeah, at the back people might've been a bit lame, but at the front it was great! And they were amazing!! They really were, I think they were better than at Rock am Ring, and I can't wait to see the high quality video's of it! It was a shame thought that it was still light when they started. But I just, loved it to bits, and loved meeting Coldplayers and being there with Coldplayers! [thanks 2GreenEyes]




















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