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    Coldplay Live Reviews, Photos and Setlist - Oxegen festival, Ireland (10th July, 2011)

    Coldplay headlined their thirteenth festival of the summer so far, playing at the Oxegen festival in Ireland last night (10th July, 2011). The concert was part-aired on Irish radio station, RTÉ 2fm (Raidió Teilifís Éireann) starting with Major Minus. Unfortunately, Hurts Like Heaven, Yellow and In My Place were missed from the start of the broadcast. Shiver then co-incided with the station's 11pm news headlines so the song was abruptly cut off. Other than that it was a perfect stream.


    Noteable highlights included an on stage collaboration with Irish folk legend, Christy Moore and a rendition of his song 'Ride On' - this replaced Life Is For Living just before the encore. During the show, Christy Moore trended worldwide on Twitter. Other than that song, there were no setlist changes... once again Shiver was performed in place of Cemeteries Of London. During Everything's Not Lost, Chris Martin said, "For all the shit we go though as a band, it makes it all worth while when you hear 60000 Irish voices singing [Everything's Not Lost] back at you."


    You can listen again to the streamed recording of the performance via our Multimedia forum where the set has been uploaded in MP3. More live discussion on this show is at the Coldplay Live forum. Thanks to everyone who has contributed on the forums, Youtube and twitters. We'll have more on this show over the next few hours/days!


    20110710tat8.pngSetlist confirmed):



    Hurts Like Heaven


    In My Place

    Major Minus


    The Scientist


    Violet Hill

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

    Everything's Not Lost

    Us Against The World


    Viva la Vida

    Charlie Brown

    Ride On (collaboration with Christy Moore)



    Fix You

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall


    Photo by tato45 @ Flickr


    Overall a pretty perfect show from the guys! Every single song sounded amazing--Clocks was the best I've heard it since the Twisted Logic tour. Chris's voice started to crack on ETiaW but that was to be expected, since he'd been singing his heart out all night. Unfortunately, Life Is For Living was dropped, but it was replaced with a brilliant surprise appearance of Christy Moore, who sang 'Ride On' with Chris. Shiver was played instead of Cemeteries of London, and we still have yet to see another appearance of Princess of China. Oh well. The crowd, the guys, the entire atmosphere was absolutely stunning, so I think it's safe to say that Coldplay has earned their 12 day break! Well done, guys! [thanks ColdplayingfromKansas]


    The crowd were so into the concert and the boy's were RED HOT!!! Chris's vocals were so on, except for ETDIAW, but hey we forgive him, it really wasn't THAT noticable. Clocks was exceptional along with Politik and WOW GPASUYF they ROCK this song and I love. It more than the original way they played it years ago. Us Against the World is such a beautiful song that has grown on me. The way it starts with Chris, then Will, then JBoy comes in and then Guy slides in to finish up the song, just beautiful!!! The Christy Moore/Chris duo was great, I have to admit during the commercial I googled him, I had no idea who he was.... Thanks to all the members who show up on the thread "it seems to be the same one's" I enjoy reading everyones replies, and excitement for each festival!!!! [thanks MartinFan]

    Hi boys, girls and all the madness in the world! I'll review the show from what I heard, as the livestream video was cancelled with no further advice and the only possibilitie was to hear it from a live radio... Tonight's show was one of those concerts that a coldplay fan must have on his/her mp3. The sound mix was perfect (good job Miller!), the boys went mad and gave all of their energies on all the songs despite of the little hours between this and "Toldplay in the park" performance yesterday! After this festival, the discussion should be which was the best performance yet, if "Glastonbury's", "Toldplay in the Park" or tonight's "Oxegen"! They've created an astonishing atmosphere for all the songs, Chris interacted a lot with the audience, and at times, you could hear the crowd singing along over Chris, sounded exciting! After an outstanding version of Charlie Brown with nice vocals, they replaced "Life is for Living", Coldplay did a cover of "Ride On" with Christy Moore, a special folk Irish performer, that was charmfully welcomed on stage! That was the only change in the setlist... . They've also performed Shiver and the epic live versions I have to highlight of this night were: Everything's Not Lost -Jonny Boy guitar sounds made of that song the best performed live yet; Politik -Also, thanks to Jonny Boy guitar sounds and sound mix, Politik sounded in what I call, a very UFO way!; Then, Clocks, Chris piano solo was marvelous, as well as Jonny Buckland guitar sounds... they don't stop getting better!- In the end, with "Every TearDROP is a Waterfall" Chris interacted with the crowd as in the old times (like he did with "The Scientists" during Twisted Logic Tour era)... Although he cracked his voice a few times during ETIAW, it didn't count as a negative score for what it is one of the best Coldplay performances of this summer festivals! Coldplay, keep up the good work! -FMFMEAISLI!- [thanks Coldplero]


    So, I flew in on Saturday morning (just a matter of hours after being released from hospital... don't worry I'm fine, well sort of...) to meet up with who else but Chelsea and Johanna and go and see what all the fuss was about! We were scared, really scared that they would be too tired and drained by now to put on a good show. We thought it might disappoint after hearing about Arras and really, 2 shows in 2 days at the end of this run, could have easily proved too much for them... how wrong were we? FUCKING WRONG!!! This was by far, by far the best I have ever seen the guys. They were so freaking happy, so excited and energetic and ready to put on the show of their lives... and they did just that. When MX started up I was about to hear my most anticipated song (I really was so excited for HLH that I never thought much about how the rest of the show might be haha) but wow, it blew me away. Jonny just comes out kicking with that song, pretty brave imo, but super-cool, it gets the crowd so up-for-it and buzzed...this is a keeper for years of setlists to come mark my words, it just works live. Yellow was a huge shock for me last night, I mean I love the song, always have, but it was different yesterday to the previous 4 times I have seen it live, it sounded crystal clear and better arranged somehow, I dunno, it was really good though! Violet Hill, In my place and Lost were the same, the sound quality was unbelievable and these songs which don't normally do much for me after seeing them so often, were totally different this time! :S Major Minus is cool, won't be a keeper and won't make the album for me, but it certainly rocks live and makes the studio version sound even worse now! The scientist sing-along is the best I have heard personally. Guessing it was because of the location but I've only ever seen them in the UK before too so I don't know why this was better... it just was And Shiver... okay wait, SHIIIIIIVEEEER!!! Woah, that was insane! I remember thinking that the Crisis versions were unbeatable but I never thought I'd hear the full-band version really. Ms Gilchrist was so excited for that so I'm gonna let that be her moment ... but wow, it was a real special thing for any Coldplay fan. GPASUYF was Jo's moment actually, but I'm stealing some of this for moi. It was perfect. Best song of the night for me, hands down. That is a masterpiece with the new intro and it ended with Chris launching his telecaster about 20 feet (7ish metres Jo!) into the air, wow. Loved it, I hope it never gets dropped again, ever!!! UATW was sublime. Us 3 just looked at each other and we couldn't even talk. It was really beautiful and when Guy comes in it is just like watching them from years ago for me, but all grown up now :'-) Loved it so much. Everythings Not Lost was amazing too, won't see that again so I'm prett happy they played it, the crowd all new it and those who didn't found it easy for lyrics haha. Politik was... it was Politik! What more can I say, still in my top 2 songs. Viva was great actually, the new piano intor is a smart-move for me. But here is my other huge hignhlight... CHARLIE BROWN ... omg That is the other keeper, it is gonna be soooo so huge when released. Should be the first single of LP5 for me, it is a hit, a huge hit, and the crowd were even singing the riff! I loved it, such a great live tune! A really cool duet followed with some Irish bloke, it took the place of Life is for Living which disappointed me a tad, but it weas so special and unique, and every irishman knew the words! Clocks was perfect as always, Fix You was nice, and Every Teardrop was very energetic, the crowd loved that one too. All in all, I'm in a rush so I'll just say this, the best gig I've ever been too, not doubts on that, Flawless and special. Loved it. [thanks Craigie-J]


    New photos of Coldplay - Oxegen festival, Ireland (10th July, 2011):












    Photo by tato45 @ Flickr


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