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    Coldplay Live Reviews, Photos and Setlist - Samsung AT&T Summer Krush Concert Series, UCLA, Los Angeles (3rd August, 2011)

    Coldplay played a special one-off show at LA's UCLA Tennis Center venue last night (Wednesday, August 3rd). The net proceeds from the show, which is part of the Samsung AT&T Summer Krush concert series, went to benefit the GRAMMY Foundation's GRAMMY in the Schools music education initiative for high school students. Selected highlights from the concert (namely Charlie Brown and Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall) aired at midnight the same evening on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live! show. Both those songs were played twice, once for the show and once in the usual festival setlist. Omitted from the setlist were Violet Hill, Shiver and Lost!


    Chris, Guy, Jonny and Will appeared via a satellite link before the show. You can watch the short interview short interview at the Coldplay forum now (also includes the performances of the two featured songs). Host Jimmy Kimmel explained why the band chose to debut the songs in the US on his show. "For those of you who don't know, Coldplay were the very first band to play on our show way back in January 2003." He added, "And they haven't been heard of since.", to which Chris replied, "Will worked for Fedex and the rest of us opened a pet store." The star-studded crowd at the gig included actresses Lindsay Lohan and Kate Bosworth. ETIAW and Charlie Brown are available to download from the Multimedia forum now (also in 720p HD video) [thanks iriden]


    More live discussion on this show is at the Coldplay Live forum (65 pages and counting! Reviews start around page 63 onwards). Thanks to everyone who has contributed on the forums, Youtube and twitters. We'll have more on this show over the next few hours/days!


    20110803jdb6b.jpgSetlist confirmed):


    MX/Hurts Like Heaven


    In My Place

    Charlie Brown (for Jimmy Kimmel Live!)

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (for Jimmy Kimmel Live!)

    The Scientist

    Major Minus

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

    Everything's Not Lost

    Us Against The World


    Viva la Vida

    Charlie Brown (second performance)

    Life Is For Living



    Rehab (Amy Winehouse tribute)

    Fix You

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (second performance)


    Photo courtesy of Jason-DeBord


    Had so much fun at the show. First time hearing Charlie Brown as I didn't seek out any live versions of it. Great song. Love Major Minus! I'll have to check if any of the media I got was any good. Loved every moment of it. Glad I didn't look up the set-list, great surprises along the way. Cheers Coldplay! [thanks y3110w]


    Wow...just got home and I must say, that was awesome!! Got a setlist and several pocketfuls of confetti. It was a great concert. I loved that the venue was so small but people weren't really singing out that much, and I was kinda dissapointed that they played Charlie Brown and ETiaW twice and skipped like three other songs, but I don't think it was the band's idea, since they did play Everything's Not Lost and that wasn't on the official setlist. The band sounded really good but Chris didn't do much crazy stuff...there was no laying on the floor and he only asked if everyone was OK once. They were probably pretty jet lagged. Even so it was totally worth it. They are an amazing live band. [thanks CupitorVeritatis]


    Very awesome time. My notes: *Super friendly event staff; * The free samsung game prizes were a nice touch; *Kinda dead audience. Sitting or standing, you can at least SWAY or rock back and fourth/stomp; * Saw the guys walk right in front of me from inside the VIP area outside to an adjacent building; * The Winehouse tribute really struck a chord with me, and if you heard the guy scream "AMY", that was me; * On top of the amazing performing of the guys, the lighting and use of color was fun; * ETIAW is a perfect summer concert song. [thanks ACmaster27]

    Fun night. The good: Meeting several Coldplayers, Tracey (duh - she stayed with me.) Kelly, Imelda, Julie, Jason, Ro, Heide. Missed finding Erick, but kept in touch by text. Watching two songs soundcheck. Seeing Miller, and other roadies we recognized. Seeing Jimmy Kimmel before he interviewed the band Being in the right place at the right time, and seeing the band walk right past us, on the way to and from the interview. Made eye contact with Will, got a huge smile from Jonny and a wave from Chris. atching my husband come out of the men's room, saying, "Guy was in there." The gorgeous night. The bad: The crowd sucked. A few got into it, but for the most part, people just stood there, sat down or talked or texted. Especially the people behind me, who sat and talked the whole show, standing only for Viva. Chris did very little talking. Didn't seem like he did the usual band shoutouts like he usually does, either. There were a LOT of empty seats. Our $150 seats were horrible. Totally obstructed view. We ended up having a few extra free tickets, and sold them. We kept our bought tickets, thinking the location was good. They were close but our view was totally blocked by the speaker tower and Samsung banner. Great view of Will, but didn't see Guy or Jonny at all. Chris moves around so we got glimpses of him. There was a video screen but the image was reversed, kind of disconcerting to see Jonny playing "left handed." My daughter's seats were next to Kelly's, farther back, but better view, so Tracey squeezed in with them, in the bench seating. Other sections were noted on Ticketmaster as having obstructed views, and the price reflected that, but not Sec 2. So I was very disappointed by that. But it was a fun night. I need to go through my pictures and see if there are any decent ones to share. [thanks lfdianne]


    The concert was amazing. It was freaking loud, and UCLA tennis center was such a small venue. Hearing Charlie Brown twice was just awesome. But the crowd was just terrible, I was the only guy jumping and singing all of their songs in section 304 (if you were sitting behind it, you probably saw me jumping like crazy hahahah). Can't wait for the new album, it's gonna be amazing. [thanks Porto]


    I just have to repeat it! the crowd sucked!!! i was up the whole time since that Jay-Z was playing. i think i made the people next to me leave. they left after 3 songs and never came back. i was there rocking out and singing the whole time! met another coldplayer. awesome. yellow strawberry i think she was. the show was amazing! Charlie Brown live is GREAT! and getting to hear it twice is even better! same goes for ETIAW! and i met WILL!!!! we got lucky. a bunch of coldplayers were going to meet at Bjs so my friend that goes to UCLA was walking us there and right as we were passing by they were putting barricades up. i convinced my friends to stay. after about an 1 hour, 2 black SUV's rolled up and we freaked out. i'm pretty sure i saw phil too, i yelled for him but he didn't come over. i also saw matt mcginn and yelled for him but he didn't come over. so finally Will comes out. i'm convinced he didn't noticed us standing there. my friend was like "that's fucking Will". i couldn't see him for awhile. then he opened the door to get into his SUV. i knew instantly that it was Will!! so i started yelling "Will! Will! Will!" and he closed the door and came over. everyone said that because of us he came over! he loved my friends jacket "nice jacket, no one ever makes Guy's jacket". to me "nice jacket". we took a pic that i posted and he signed my 2 tickets and i brought my CP Live 2003 which he signed too. nice guy! my only complaint is that most of the people didn't even really know Will or of Will. they were hoping for chris because no one yelled at all until I yelled and everyone yelled. someone was yelling Guy Guy Guy and i was like shut up that is NOT Guy . anyways according to security Chris left really soon after the concert to meet up with Gwyneth. and like i said there were 2 SUV's. as Will was signing for us they got into the other one and left. security said "Will was the distraction". not sure if that true or not. EPIC NIGHT! [thanks gotcheese2768]


    Wow what an amazing show!! The crowd like everyone said was lame. I was actually the first person in line for the Priority Access tickets, showed up between 12:30-1. Tickets were handed out in a semi random order. I had amazing seats! It was more luck of the draw because there were people sitting near me that were way back in the line. But no complaints here because it was FREE!! I had originally bought tickets through Ticketmaster and sold them when I got the free pass, and the free ones were many times better than the ones I paid for. The show was amazing, My girlfriend and I were the only ones standing and dancing the whole time in our section. I had my Colplay cherry popped and it was amazing. One of the better concerts I've ever been too. It's been a crazy week for me. Went to LA rising (Rage against the machine, Muse, Rise against) 4 days before too. What a week, Saved the best for last thats for sure. Still buzzing about it! [thanks Aaronkv]


    I was so embarrassed by the crowd last night! A majority of them were too snobby (typical LA!) to participate, sing, dance, ANYTHING!! They just stood there recording the concert on their cameras to post on youtube, instead of enjoying it. I couldn't even believe they didn't even know what to do before the encore (CHANT!). I was SO FRUSTRATED and felt like Coldplay deserved a warmer welcome! I'm sorry COLDPLAY!! It didn't stop me from jumping up and down and singing at the top of my lungs from beginning to end! They were phenomenal AS ALWAYS. I hope I'm doing this right, I'm new to this forum! I took my husband, it was his first CP concert and the whole time I was telling him "THIS IS THE SHITTIEST CROWD EVER!" - excluding us true CP fans who actually participated and cheered for them! I was doing the Viva chant too before the encore and the lady next to me was looking at me like I was crazy and I wanted to tell her to take her fake CP fan ass home! If you don't know the encore chant, you are NOT a true CP fan!! [thanks iamcdlac]


    I've been to 3 CP shows in LA and I'm ALWAYS embarrassed by the lame crowd! I was in section 13 going crazy the entire time! The guy standing in front of me covered his ears everytime I screamed! Why didn't he just stay home? No encore chant? What is wrong with people?! Right before Viva started I started the Viva chant and people were looking at me like I was crazy! [thanks stephmeye805]


    So here's my detailed concert review. First, I was wearing my VLV blue shirt and a fedora hat, so in case anyone saw me. Our seats were Sec. 9, it was a little bit to the right of the stage but nonetheless, smack dab in the middle of the venue. Perfect! I actually was singing out loud and proud to all of the songs. People around me were actually pretty cool enough not to be rude and do stupid stuff during the show. I was standing for most of it, except for the slower songs where I try to sit and maybe rest my voice as well. A good handful of people around me were standing around and was enjoying the concert. However, I noticed that most of the people around the venue were seating down and didn't seem into the songs, especially the non-single ones. Even the ones in the pit didn't seem all that lively. What a shame. Loved that they played Everything's Not Lost. I remember when they pulled out their big drums for VLV, my mom was able to notice it and point it out to me and tell me what they're gonna play. Was actually proud of her for that. Was surprised they didn't play Violet Hill. Still not a big fan of God Put A Smile Upon Your Face. Fix You is still shiver inducing. From my perspective, it was a great concert, maybe minus the crowd but I didn't give much care about them as I wasn't there to see them. [thanks y3110w]


    My review?.....exactly what Dianne said! What wasn't cool? Just completely missing many of the coldplayers on the boards here.....Julie!! I was so exhausted from my flight from Chicago. I was catching up with my longtime friend from LA, jabbering like crazy and suddenly it was time to go in and I'd missed meeting/talking to some of the CPers. So Julie, another show for sure!!! What was cool: Coming up on Guy, with security, on the way to the bathrooms hidden in the tunnel. Of course it was so unexpected I could only tell him about being excited for the show. He stopped and acted like he was going to wait for a split second so what do I do? Say "thanks again for the show, we're really looking forward to it" turn and just leave him!!!! So he replies " thanks, we are too" at me as I'm scurrying down the stairs!.... ..am I the BIGGEST idiot around? ( I did have to pee pretty bad). I was afraid Dianne and Tracy would think I was making it up- but her Hubbies subsequent urinal experience trumps them all. Overall, good times on the Coldplaying trail, as always. [thanks kspillers2]


    More reviews to follow....!


    New photos of Coldplay - Samsung AT&T Summer Krush Concert Series, UCLA, Los Angeles (3rd August, 2011):




















    Photos courtesy of Jason-DeBord

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