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    Coldplay news round-up: Jonathan Ross show, Italian tour date & 2012 tour, Cape Town desert video shoot

    woss.jpgAccording to the ITV Press Centre, Coldplay will appear on the Jonathan Ross show (ITV, UK) on 15th October where they will also be performing their latest single, Paradise. Last Saturday Wossy's guests included The Red Chilli Peppers but only interviewed Anthony and Chad (lead singer and drummer) and then the whole band performed. It's possible that only Chris Martin will be interviewed, before the whole band perform. More on this is at the Coldplay forum now [thanks cleeson7 & Skuze23]


    And according to Italian online news source Repubblica.it, Coldplay will play at the Giuseppe Meazza stadium in Milan (originally and more commonly known as the San Siro - home to AC Milan and Inter Milan football clubs) on or around June 26th or 27th, 2012, although the stadium is likely to be booked between 19th to 30th June for staging. Although this date remains unconfirmed - it does spark interest further afield as well because if this date is true then a full summer stadium tour across Europe in 2012 may well be on the cards... [thanks coldpatrix]

    Since Guy tweeted the following on Friday 7th October: "Driving through Cape Town, heading to desert for a video shoot... Guy" coldplayers have been wondering what the shoot is all about. So far the theories have been for a simple short promo, a video for Princess Of China (popular) or continuation of the Paradise video or even Hurts Like Heaven (less popular). Below are some of your comments from the messageboard... what do you think the desert shoot was for? Let us know here now! [thanks mayurshikotra]


    I don't think they're still making the video for Paradise. Probably the video is already made and is going to be released in the next few days. And I don't imagine Paradise video with a desert. I think is more like a video of the band playing in the woods at night, under the rain and with fireflies and red, orange and yellow lights flashing through the trees. Probably the girl is running through them and is she finds paradise when the PARA-PARA-PARADISE part starts. Just saying... Oh! And another crazy idea: You can picture an U.F.O. in the desert. Think about New Mexico, the Area 51, the Roswell stuff... An U.F.O. flying through the desert at night, makes sense. It could be a single, the song is under the 3 minutes, why not? It can't be also a promo video of the new album, with some alien stuff... [thanks JosephRengifo]


    I'm picturing a desert shoot being for POC... but I'm not really sure why hah. Maybe it's for one of the songs we haven't heard like DLIBYH, UwTB's or U.F.O. I just can't picture any of the new songs having some sort of sound that relates to a desert. Excited to find out more though. Look... all i'm sayin' is if Rhianna wants to strip down and roll around in some sand while the guys play behind her, I'm down with that .. I'm actually convinced that it's now for the Paradise video, given that the desert and the sweltering heat could and would be interpreted as 'Paradise'. Couple that with the fact that the performance parts of the video wrapped weeks ago according to their twitter and we still haven't seen or heard anything since, I'd say they're filming a different section which obviously could have been greenscreened or CGI'd but that wouldn't have done it any justice. Personally, I still don't like Paradise as a single, love the song but it's flying the flag for MX at the moment and I don't think a big budget desert shoot is necessary for a song that isn't ever going to be 'THAT big'. Music videos have a very fast turnover. plus the fact that the song has been out for two weeks and we still don't have a video is kind of hard to understand, normally the video comes before or at the same time as the initial release with music. I'd find unusual but not totally unbelievable that they would be shooting a third video when when the second isn't even released. We await the announcement. [thanks Bonus_mosher]


    Paradise is DONE. They filmed it on Sept. 12 and one month is actually a normal waiting time. Usually music videos are released between 3 and 5 weeks after the shooting. In the US, music videos usually come out after the single. ETIAW was released on June 3rd and the video came out on June 28th. [thanks Macky]


    Hmm . . . I know Cape Town is dry and all, but is really in the middle of a desert? Anywho, I'm kind of skeptical about this being a shoot for Paradise--seeing as how the guys supposedly have already wrapped it up--but I don't really see a desert setting fitting with any other song... I don't see it being a promo shoot either. [thanks ColdplayingfromKansas]


    I guess the full on in your face promotion of Paradise + Mylo Xyloto will start as soon as the video is released, hence why it is only released to certain radio stations in America within the next week or two. [thanks 42rock89]


    Pre-show photos of Coldplay @ FNB Stadium (Soccer City), Johannesburg, South Africa (8th October 2011):






















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