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    Coldplay news/rumourmill round-up: Behind the scenes videos, Tour dates 2011, Glastonbury

    20101125filming2b.jpgAfter Coldplay filmed the video for their new single, Christmas Lights (out Wednesday December 1st), they released some short behind-the-scenes films from the video shoot. You can watch all three parts on Coldplay's Ping profile, now. For those who haven't got Ping, or iTunes, or even an iPhone etc etc you can watch the video via YouTube instead.


    Meanwhile the tour rumourmill has begun in earnest - according to Coldplayer MrsMartin333, security in and around some New York/New Jersey venues have been told that Coldplay are due to play the Red Bull arena in Newark, NJ, in June 2011. This would be as part of a bigger tour, not a one off date. If this news is true, we can expect at least a US tour around early summer next year. Furthermore, it is believed that Coldplay will be announcing those new dates this week (possibly Monday 29th Nov) - but bear in mind this is not confirmed yet. Keep checking the official site to see if we get those dates this week!

    Also in the news, Chris Martin has compared being asked to play Glastonbury to Twilight actor Robert Pattinson inviting you to touch his balls. He said: "That’s like getting asked to dance by Robert Pattinson if you’re a young girl. Imagine if Robert Pattinson called and asked, 'Do you want to touch my balls?'."


    Coldplay, who last topped the bill at the festival in 2005, are one of a number of acts rumoured to be headlining the event in Somerset next June. In this interview with Q magazine, singer Chris Martin played down the reports and said it "depends if we get asked".


    Pictures of Coldplay with fans at the Beehive (26th November 2010): [thanks to kat_iveson, Chopotte & FixYouGirl]



    Picture by kat_iveson







    Pictures by Chopotte









    Picture by FixYouGirl


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