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    Coldplay Review: Prospekt's March EP

    prospektsmarchep2.jpgHere's another online review for the new year of Coldplay's new EP, Prospekt's March:


    Coldplay’s latest EP is simply an extension of Viva La Vida and a darn good one at that. I reported a while back how you could purchase this album for 99 cents which is amazingly cheap, but by no means is that a reflection of the quality of this album. In fact, that’s pretty much a steal for this new 8 song EP they’re calling Prospekt’s March.


    Prospket’s March is, like I said, really a continuation of the great writing from their latest full length Viva La Vida. But instead of doing a general album review I thought it would be best to break this little EP down track-by-track to give you a heads up on what to expect from each song. Don’t worry, I’m not going to make this long, but hopefully it will entice you pick this great little EP up at your favorite record store.

    Track 1: Life in Technicolor ii

    A revised version of the first track on Viva La Vida with some added vocals. They’ve done a great job incorporating a good melody and vibe with the vocals and I think it’s a great fit for this track. Though I really enjoy the strings and vibe of the mainly instrumental version, I think this vocalized version could easily replace the original with no hard feelings.


    Track 2: Postcards From Far Away

    This is the shortest song on the EP coming in at 48 seconds. It’s a little hard for me to say much on this piano driven track. More than anything I feel like it’s one of those “sleepy-time” tracks you play for a baby to fall asleep to–it’s short, but sweet.


    Track 3: Glass of Water

    This is the first new full-length new song on the EP. The driving down-strum verses lead into a semi off-beat chorus that simply rocks. The timing and feel of this song is different than the majority of Viva La Vida but definitely is a great addition to Coldplay’s sound. I wouldn’t be surprised if this song got released as a new single here in the near future.


    Track 4: Rainy Day

    Sometimes titling a song “Rainy Day” would elude that the song is chill or slow, but that’s not what this song is about. Think of it more like rain is starting to fall on dry, parched land and the rain creates a beat as it falls. This is the kind of song you put on a commercial with a fun, young couple playing in puddles. It’s simple and unique and it doesn’t blow me away, but it doesn’t keep me away either.


    Track 5: Prospekt’s March/Poppyfields

    The title track from the EP is a good change of pace. It’s a slower song that’s quite reminiscent of their earlier work on the albums Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head. Nothing too surprising on the style here as it’s a vocal driven track with some light acoustic and a very airy vibe.


    Track 6: Lost+ (With Jay-Z)

    The song is the exact same version of “Lost” that you’ll find on Viva La Vida, with the exception of a few new verses from Jay-Z. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about a rap part in a Coldplay song, but this is actually pretty well done. It’s a good change for the song and Jay-Z delivers well–we’ll keep it.


    Track 7: Lovers In Japan (Osaka Sun Mix)

    I’ve attempted to compare this track with the “Lovers in Japan” on Viva La Vida and I can’t find many differences between the two tracks, other than two things. First, this is no longer a combo track with “Reign of Love” and secondly, there’s a slight pause in the song with some distant background vocals. Don’t expect a wild remix, it doesn’t exist.


    Track 8: Now My Feet Wont Touch The Ground

    Another strictly acoustic song that I am enjoying. Reminds me of an old gospel song that might be sung from the porch swing. It’s also reminiscent of “Til Kingdom Come” from X & Y, though arguably not nearly as catchy. With limited production, a solo acoustic, and some nice simple melody, this two and a half minute song is a nice way to end.


    Source: evadethenoise.com


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