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    Coldplay Unveil New Material At Glastonbury

    Chris Martin tells Q about the new Coldplay songs we can expect to hear at the festival. "It's all we've been talking about for a year," says Coldplay’s Chris Martin about the band’s headlining slot at the Pyramid Stage on Friday night.


    "This concert for us has been the motivation for everything we've been trying to do. It's the most important evening of our lives."


    Is he getting over-excited? Not necessarily, because for Martin, Coldplay’s appearance at Glastonbury is the latest in a long line of events that has seen the group expand their horizons by getting involved in charity work. Earlier this year, Martin travelled with Emily Eavis to Haiti to take a look first hand at the work Oxfam is doing in under-developed areas."A lot of the reason we thought why we've got to do Glastonbury is we got really involved in the Oxfam Fair Trade campaign," he explains. "We've got to be good because now we've got more responsibility than just our own careers."


    Speaking of Coldplay’s career, their forthcoming album A Rush Of Blood To The Head will get an exclusive preview at Glastonbury, with the band planning to unveil a handful of new tracks live.


    "The new single is In My Place," Martin reveals in the latest issue of Q. "It's basically the tune that kept us together last year. Jonny Buckland's guitar riff is my favourite riff of his ever. The Scientist is the only song we've ever written and recorded all on the same day. It's about when you start analysing things too much", while Clocks is apparently being saved for the next record, because – worryingly – "There's a death obsession round the band at the moment". Meanwhile, Politik hints at Coldplay’s new direction: "It’s turned into the loudest song we've ever done."

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