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    "Fix yourself a spot of tea and a biscuit". Coldplay on SNL preview & "Oceans" on Jools Holland

    The British invasion is set to take place on Saturday Night, live on NBC tonight/Saturday at 11.30PM Eastern Time US, that would be 4.30am or more for UK or European Coldplayers! Will you stay up or wake up for it? that is the question. An interview and at least one track, possibly A Sky Full of Stars is due to be performed on the night.


    In the meantime, here is a very funny preview for the show and you will understand the title of this article better!



    Last night, an extended version of the Jools Holland show aired featuring more live tracks from the bands featured. This was a repeat of tracks we already saw on Tuesday night which was Magic and A Sky Full of Stars for Coldplay. The extra track played was an absolutely beautiful version of Oceans. Probably the best performance of Oceans we have seen so far as Chris got the vocals spot on and the atmosphere on the song really took hold.


    You can watch Oceans by viewing the Coldplaying multimedia forum (remember to register if you haven't!)


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    There is only 16 more days now until the release of Coldplay's new album for 2014, Ghost Stories! So close!

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