That’s a lot of questions!
Good evening. We’re pleased to announce that, today, the Oracle answered the 10,000th question to be submitted to for their attention. The Oracle hasn’t actually answered all 10,000 of them, but it still feels like a landmark moment. Head on over there to celebrate. Anchorman/
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Marine, France
Q. Will Coldplay take an orchestra on stage one day ?
The Oracle replies:
At the 2003 Grammys they performed Politik with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Bryan, United States of America
Q. A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender immediately pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says “Thank you” and walks out of the bar. What happened?
The Oracle replies:
This sort of answers another question sent in by Brenna a while ago who wanted to know the best cure for hiccups. I wouldn’t advise anyone to do this as it’s bloomin’ stupid, but the answer to your question is the man has hiccups. The shock of having a gun pulled on him cures them. Using your thumbs to cover your ears and little fingers to block your nostrils and have someone slowly pour water into your mouth (gulp it slowly) works just as well.
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Mollie, United States of America
Q. Who’s the girl with the short dark hair thats in The Scientist video and she’s also in one of the Tim Hope-made videos?
The Oracle replies:
That’s Elaine Cassidy.
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Laura, Hungary
Q. Is there ever going to be a message board on the website where fans can talk to each other? thnx Oracle for the answer:)
The Oracle replies:
There are no plans to have a message board on this site. Personally forums can get very ugly and unhealthy. They're scary places even for an Oracle. That said; if you're looking for one the unofficial fan site has a popular one. [Thanks Oracle!]
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Tyler, United States of America
Q. Is there a fanclub?! Because I would love to further support my favorite band XD
The Oracle replies:
There isn’t a fan club. Kudos to a group of people who ran Coldplayground, which was a fan club for fans by fans that ceased to be in December 2001. The Mince Spies CD was given away with that last ever issue as a Christmas present and thank you to the members for their support. That CD has become quite a collector’s item.
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Priscilla, Mexico
Q. How did Will ended up as the drummer when he didn’t even play the drums??
The Oracle replies:
Will’s amazing. He’s so musical and can play many instruments. His flatmate was supposed to record drums for their E.P but wasn’t in when the band turned up. They were desperate for someone and Will offered to help them out and that is how he became the drummer.
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Olivier, Canada
Q. Dear Oracle, is it true that the word ‘COLDPLAY’ is a lyric from the band Keane. Did Coldplay bought that name to Keane?
The Oracle replies:
I’ve already answered this so please peruse previous questions. I’ll settle the urban myth though. It wasn’t Tim from Keane who passed the name on; it was a different Tim entirely.
August 22, 2008 - submitted by Tommy, Australia
Q. Dear Oracle,
Did you know that I have invented a new kind of paper? It’s a bit like toilet paper, but instead is called refrigerator paper. It is used for wiping a refrigerator’s bottom. in much the same way as toilet paper is used for wiping a… toilet’s bottom. Anyway I wasnt sure if you knew, so I guess this is just in case.
The Oracle replies:
Congratulations Tommy, this question was the 10,000th question! There’s no prize or anything, just thought I’d mention it.
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