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    Coldplay's Oracle confirms the 'Moving To Mars' song and film link

    oracle.jpgMore questions answered by The Oracle... (over 2000 questions now answered - submit yours now!)


    July 8, 2011 - submitted by Nick, United States of America

    Q. I was looking up the song Moving to Mars the other day, when I stumbled across a documentary called Moving to Mars, directed by none other than Mat Whitecross! I was was wondering if the song and film were related in any way. The general lyrics of the song seem to fit the film, what with it being about two families being forced out of Burma and into an entirely new world in the UK. Since Mat directed a couple of videos for Coldplay's songs, is this a kind of way to pay him back, by writing a song for/about his film?

    The Oracle replies:

    A couple of people have spotted this but as you were the first to ask... Yes, the song's title was inspired by Mat's film of the same name.

    July 8, 2011 - submitted by Vito, Brazil

    Q. Dear Oracle, What's the meaning of the letters that are placed at the end of each band's tweet?

    The Oracle replies:

    They're simply the initials of whoever wrote the tweet: PH = Phil Harvey; A = Anchorman; C = Chris; W = Will; G = Guy; J = Jonny; Hmm, maybe I should get an O up there...


    July 7, 2011 - submitted by Jakob, Sweden

    Q. Will there be any Roadie #42 blog-post on the Coldplay gig from Where The Action Is festival in Gothenburg? I really love that blog and I would love to read about what he, and perhaps the band, thought of their performance and the Swedish crowd. Love from Sweden!

    The Oracle replies:

    I'm aware that if fans had their way, there'd be a blog from every show. Each gig is special and that's even more so if it happens you are at a particular one - I totally relate to that. However, #42 simply doesn't have enough time to blog after every show. Sometimes he mentions a particular crowd, an occurrence or any shocks/surprises the show threw up, but generally he writes when he has time to fill you in on what's been happening. There's obviously one or two where he feels a greater need to report (such as Glastonbury) but rest assured, everyone is having a great time on this festival tour, so if your show isn't mentioned, it's nothing personal.


    July 7, 2011 - submitted by Una, Finland

    Q. Hi Oracle! I was just watching Coldplay In My Place music video and I have one question... Who are the two people on stairs? :)

    The Oracle replies:

    I assume that's after the last question I answered... In that case, that is DEFINITELY tagged so I'm afraid you'll have to go and check In My Place tags.


    July 6, 2011 - submitted by Connor B, Australia

    Q. Hey Oracle :) I was just wondering whether there are any plans to release the lyrics for the new songs that Coldplay have already played live? Sorry one last question :P is there any chance you could tell me the first line of Hurts Like Heaven? There's so much confusion on coldplaying.com about the lyrics. Thank you do much! :) Can't wait for the album.

    The Oracle replies:

    There are no plans to publish lyrics on the website of the new songs that are being played live. We've added ETIAW, MM & M2M to the Recordings section of course, complete with lyrics. Unless any of the others are released (as either single or on the album), we won't be putting them up. We haven't done that before so it's not a new thing by the way. I actually hadn't really noticed the opening line to Hurts Like Heaven as that's the point I am usually still cheering their entrance! The first one is tricky to work out but something like "Do you ever get the feeling you're a bridge to the park / bridging the part? Do you ever get the feeling that you're missing the mark?" I could be wrong though and probably am. *EDIT: So, it turns out some people think it's "Written in grafitti on a bridge in a park", which makes a lot more sense! Will try to get confirmation.


    July 6, 2011 - submitted by Fede, Italy

    Q. Hi Oracle. Why is Simon Pegg the only tag written in pink on the Oracle page ?

    The Oracle replies:

    Ha! I'm so sorry for laughing but go back to my page and I bet you that whatever word your cursor is hovering over is pink. No tags are pink until you move your mouse over it.


    July 6, 2011 - submitted by Nick, United States of America

    Q. Dear Oracle/Coldplay, Why did you cancel the New Jersey gig on September 18. I was finally going to see a Coldplay show and now all I have is this feeling of utter rejection and denial. I am so sad. =;( (that bye the way is a super duper frowny face), Nick

    The Oracle replies:

    We didn't cancel our RXP TakLiberty Festival appearance, RXP have cancelled the entire festival "due to unforeseen circumstances".


    July 5, 2011 - submitted by Ciara, United Kingdom

    Q. Dearest Oracle, My friend and I were lucky enough to make the Open'er festival (what a night!!!) During the set, before Fix You, I thought Chris mentioned missing Stef/ Steph? Was I mistaken? If not, who is he/she and what connection do they have with the Band? Thanks ever so and to all in the Coldplay camp for an unforgettable evening.

    The Oracle replies:

    Yes, Chris mentioned Steph during

    . Around the 1' 23" mark he said, "Let's play this for Steph today, we're gonna miss you Steph" as that was her last show before she moved on to pastures new. Steph was their RF Tech (radio frequency technician) for a long while and I know she will miss the guys too.


    July 5, 2011 - submitted by Perabeles, Mexico

    Q. Hey Oracle! Well I'm wondering if Coldplay will be in Glastonbury next year, because I'm starting to save money, planning to do a hunger strike or something like that, I love u guys. Please come to Mexico in 2012.

    The Oracle replies:

    Good grief, I hope nobody does anything so extreme to get to see a band! Don't worry Perabeles, you have plenty time to save up as it's highly unlikely that ANY band would headline Glastonbury two years running so rest assured they will not be playing Glastonbury next year. Aside from that, I can guarantee it because there is NO Glastonbury festival next year anyway.


    July 5, 2011 - submitted by Simon, Germany

    Q. Dear Oracle, Can you tell me why Politik was never released as a single? Chris often says he thinks it's one of their best songs - and it certainly is better than the single In My Place (which, of course, especially live, also is enjoyable). Best regards, Simon

    The Oracle replies:

    That is quite an interesting point you make and will be difficult to explain but I shall do my best. I think it's almost always obvious which songs (by any artist) are singles, which are album tracks and which are b sides - though in the case of Prince, Oasis and Coldplay for instance, their b sides are often as good if not better than singles, such is the high standard. It's not like songs are written with anything but the finished album in mind at the start, but once it takes shape, you can tell which are openers and closers even if selecting the running order proves tricky. I guess singles have a feel about them too; a commercial radio friendly appeal. Politik (genius as it is), wasn't a quintessential airplay song.


    July 4, 2011 - submitted by Andreas, Germany

    Q. Precious Oracle, Do you know where this image has been taken? It always makes me think of Nevada. Please turn my ignorance into knowledge! I really like it and use it as wallpaper on my PC and all my portable devices. Cheers, Andreas

    The Oracle replies:

    You know, I knew you meant that photo even before I clicked the link. It was actually taken one state over from Nevada, though they had just left there.

    The band had played Las Vegas (April 29) and then travelled to headline Coachella (California). That photo was taken not far from the festival site, near Palm Springs.


    July 4, 2011 - submitted by Elise, France

    Q. Dear Oracle, I heard that ETIAW official's clip was filming in Paris ? Is it true ? If it is, when the guys were filming and where was it exactly in Paris ? Thanks a lot for your answer, Best wishes.

    The Oracle replies:

    No, I think you may have misunderstood the reference to Paris in Roadie #42's blog. It was referring to the graffiti artist whose name is Paris. It was filmed in London's Docklands area.




    New photos of Coldplay - Main Square Festival, Arras, France (3rd July, 2011):














    Pictures by parsenlive.fr]


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