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August 7, 2009 - submitted by Simone, United States of America
Q. Dear Oracle, I can't help but notice the drastic change in wardrobe for Coldplay, especially Chris, over the years. For example, in the Shiver video, he is sporting a Stones t-shirt and blue jeans, but in the Violet Hill and Viva La Vida videos, he wears his now trademark jacket. I was just wondering, what brought this on?
The Oracle replies:
Isn't that a bit like asking a teenager why they're not still wearing romper suits? The Shiver video was practically filmed ten years ago and they were a brand new band so they have grown-up, aged and acquired stylists! No seriously, the current Viva jackets are trademark for this album only; they weren't worn before and won't appear once the tour is over. It's all about image and the military style suits the mood of the album.
August 7, 2009 - submitted by Justin, Canada
Q. Hi Oracle I was just wondering does Chris Martin ever get up in the middle of the night to write a song? And if so which ones has he done that for?
The Oracle replies:
Yes he does. It was reported that Chris felt compelled to write A Message in the middle of the night. In fact, we were given way too much information; he was naked at the piano!August 7, 2009 - submitted by Sergie, Mexico
Q. Oh my dear Oracle, I'm in trouble. Last week I was at the beach and I fell in love with someone I saw and never talked to. I know I won't see him again, but I remember him all the time, all of him except his face. What can I do? I have to forget it, but if I just can't, I would like at least to remember his face. Please help me!
The Oracle replies:
I'm not a great believer in love at first sight. I know there's something whether it be interest, lust, attraction but I just don't know if you can truly love someone just by looking at them so I guess what I'm trying to say is unless you plan on returning there every week on the same day at the same time, forget him. If you can't remember his face I'd take that as a sign that it's not fate and so not meant to be!
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