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    Coldplay's Oracle is unundated with questions on Christmas Lights

    oracle.jpgMore questions answered by The Oracle... (over 1700 questions now answered - submit yours now!)


    December 2, 2010 - submitted by Marie, Czech Republic

    Q. Dear Oracle. What does it mean the sign above the curtain in the video Christmas Lights? Thank you

    The Oracle replies:

    Ha ha, a few people have been asking this. In the Christmas Lights video the words above the stage curtain say CREDO ELVEM ETIAM VIVERE. This means "I believe Elvis lives" in Latin.


    December 2, 2010 - submitted by Nathanael, Ireland

    Q. Hi Oracle, I've heard some rumours that Coldplay were forced to release Christmas Lights by EMI. Is this true?

    The Oracle replies:

    Utter rubbish Nath! It's a slightly long story to explain how that could/would work with some bands/labels but here that just wouldn't be and wasn't the case.

    December 1, 2010 - submitted by Joseph, United States of America

    Q. What did you mean when you said that Christmas Lights wasn't 'penned for the new album' in a response to Peter from Ireland? I looked through Coldplay's release history, and with the exception of the Parachutes album, a brand new single has only been released a month or less before a new album. This makes me think, "well hey Coldplay will have their album out for Christmas!" (And they better if they value my happiness.) I realize you couldn't tell us even if you did know when the next album comes out, but I just wanted to know what you meant in your other response. Thanks! :)

    The Oracle replies:

    Can I categorically say here and now that Christmas Lights is a stand alone song and has absolutely no bearing on what is to follow. Nor is it any indication of any kind as to when the album will be released. Please don't treat it as any previous single which is usually a prelude to an album; this is not the case. I know that is both vague and specific but hey, let's just enjoy it! * The short answer is no.


    December 1, 2010 - submitted by Patrizio, Italy

    Q. Dear Oracle, I saw in the behind-the-scenes videos of Christmas Lights a lot of coloured confetti. Maybe this idea came from our choreography for the Italians' Viva La Vida Tour gigs, organized by Coldplayzone? Please... give me an answer!!!

    The Oracle replies:

    I'm sure you mean balloons; the confetti was happening long before their Italian visit. I'm aware of your successful balloon choreography that started as an online fan campaign. Did you know the Latin American fans were also doing it earlier this year. Maybe they saw your campaign and made one... In answer to your specific question though Patrizio, no, that had no influence at all on the video for Christmas Lights but well done on your Coldplayzone plug! I rewarded you for your effort.


    December 1, 2010 - submitted by Santiago, Mexico

    Q. Is it me or is Simon Pegg appearing on the video of Christmas Lights playing the violin? Thanks a lot

    The Oracle replies:

    One of the Elvises - playing violin - is indeed Simon Pegg. (The other two are Phil Harvey & as mentioned yesterday, Tim Crompton).


    November 30, 2010 - submitted by Kris, United States of America

    Q. Is the Christmas Lights single going to have other songs on it? Like the previous singles?

    The Oracle replies:

    No, the track will just be released as a sole song with no extra tracks or b-sides.


    November 30, 2010 - submitted by Maria, Spain

    Q. Hi O! When is the deadline for the Guy's old photos project?

    The Oracle replies:

    We'd like to make it the end of the year but if some come in after that, it will be fine so don't worry too much - especially with the festive postal season upon us.


    November 30, 2010 - submitted by Jacob, United States of America

    Q. Hello Oracle! Have you been able to hear the entire Christmas Lights song or are you having to wait just like all of us?

    The Oracle replies:

    I was lucky enough to hear it a few weeks ago but it's not long now until everyone will hear it... It's rather exciting!


    November 30, 2010 - submitted by Devin, Netherlands

    Q. Will the single Christmas Lights only be available on iTunes, or will it be in the shops too as a CD? Devin.

    The Oracle replies:

    The track will not be available to buy on CD in shops but to all those asking, it will be available on iTunes worldwide.


    November 29, 2010 - submitted by Christina, United States of America

    Q. Dear Oracle, Who in the world is the third Elvis in the Christmas Lights video?! I can recognize Phil and Simon Pegg, but I don't know who the third one is. He looks a lot like Guy, but it is definitely not Guy! Thank you, have a nice day!

    The Oracle replies:

    It's funny because from the photos I can see how the 3rd Elvis looks like Guy but obviously that's impossible! The other Elvis is someone some of you may know - it is in fact Tim Crompton.


    November 29, 2010 - submitted by Peter W, Ireland

    Q. Oracle, is Christmas Lights an old song (Dec 2009) or is it a new album. While watching a video on YouTube I spied the titled and some Coldplay-esque art. The video was from December 2009.

    The Oracle replies:

    Yes Peter the idea for the song started a while ago and there were snippets of it available on the Internet e.g YouTube via video/interview footage. The song isn't penned for the new album however; it's just a single release that happens to be out this week - "cannot wait" - that we've had teasers of over the past year or so.


    November 25, 2010 - submitted by Kelby, United States of America

    Q. Dear Oracle, Do the boys like the Bee Gees?

    The Oracle replies:

    They do yes and there's actually a funny thing in the Bakery... In the kitchen area there's a chalkboard with the question "Who is your favourite Bee Gee and why?" written at the top. Now I know this will prompt hundreds of "who is their favourite Bee Gee and why?" but all I will say is initials of the band & Bakery 'crew' are written down the left hand side with their responses next to them. It's rather amusing so I thought I would share.


    November 25, 2010 - submitted by Agustin, Argentina

    Q. Hi Oracle! What is the number that appears in the home of the page? What's means? It good for? What will happen when it reaches 0? Yes... another question! What's the meaning of "yer"... For example "Yer hear yer head-a-banging on the door..."(This is a fragment of a Song by Oasis, Sunday Morning Call). Thanks!

    The Oracle replies:

    Now that would be telling wouldn't it? Actually, if you read the news piece it says at the bottom "The countdown has begun" so it should be pretty easy to work out what will be happening when it reaches zero... Yer means you and your in the above lyric: You hear your head-a-banging.


    November 24, 2010 - submitted by Tony, United States of America

    Q. Where can I buy the Hope for Haiti album? It isn't available on Itunes anymore.

    The Oracle replies:

    So I take it you already went to iTunes.com/Haiti and all I can say is that when I typed Hope for Haiti into my preferred search engine it gave me options to buy at Amazon etc. so maybe try there?



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