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    Coldplay's Oracle On Keeping Those Big Yellow Balloons

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    January 14, 2009 - submitted by Sarah, United Kingdom

    Q. Dearest Oracle, when I went to see Coldplay at Manchester on the 12th Dec, during Yellow I actually loved the balloons! but the security didnt seem keen on people trying to keep them, why was this?

    The Oracle replies:

    Firstly they were very large and as Yellow wasn't the last song it was a long time for people to cling on to the balloons rather than spread the love around. Also people were actually battling over them. Two women on the front row were practically fighting during the encore when trying to retrieve their balloons from security personnel, quite ugly I have to say! It would have been amusing to see people clutching balloons and then realizing they didn't fit into their car or mode of transport!



    January 15, 2009 - submitted by Hillary, United States of America

    Q. Is 42 the answer to everything?

    The Oracle replies:

    Well it's not the answer to how old I am or what number house I live in or how many people I have kissed... so I say no. Douglas Adams had a better theory I'm sure. The number 42 is The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything according to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and other works by Adams.


    January 15, 2009 - submitted by Nick, United Kingdom

    Q. Hello Oracle, I'm trying to decide what Coldplay song I could wake up to in the morning. Do you have any ideas on what song I could start my day off to?

    The Oracle replies:

    I have pondered upon this for a couple of days but still keep coming to the same response, which was my instinctive first thought. No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground because of the lyrics:

    Sometimes I wake up and I'm falling asleep

    I think that maybe the curtains are closing on me

    But I wake up

    Yes I wake up smiling

    Sometimes I wake up and I'm falling asleep

    But I've got to get going so much that I'm wanting to do

    But I wake up smiling.


    January 15, 2009 - submitted by Sean, United States of America

    Q. Dear Oracle: A couple of months ago, a friend giving me a hug goodbye commented to me, "You're hot." After I gave her a bizarre look, she realized what she'd said and corrected, "I mean tall! You're tall!" She then proceeded to explain that the sun was making her back hot, hence her mistake. My question is: In your omniscient opinion, do you think it was an honest mistake or a Freudian slip? Just curious. Thanks.

    The Oracle replies:

    Hmmm she could have easily said the sun had made your back hot and therefore she meant you were literally hot to touch but it seems she was caught out. As she didn't really give a feasible explanation for her choice of phrase it sounds like she is indeed hot but not due to the sun... she's hot for you!


    January 15, 2009 - submitted by Michael, United States of America

    Q. I thought it was interesting that Coldplay had grammy nominations for "seven Gongs" I am little perplexed as to which "grammy" award show this was? Or is this just a typo? If it is, my mistake.

    The Oracle replies:

    Seven Gongs isn't the name of a song it just means seven awards. In other words they have seven nominations.


    January 15, 2009 - submitted by Frankie, United States of America

    Q. Dear Oracle. I heard this question from a friend who claims it was from a movie, and he wouldn't tell me what the answer is. "Which is heavier? All the trains that pass through the Grand Central Station in New York City in one year --or-- All the tress cut down to make US currency in one year."

    The Oracle replies:

    Yeah it's from Inside Man. It's a trick question, as Grand Central Station is the post office, and money is not made from paper. So the answer is that they weight the same, which is nothing. Trains pass through Grand Central Terminal not station, and money paper is made from cotton so no trees are cut down.


    January 14, 2009 - submitted by Daniel, Sweden

    Q. When Politik ends on the Viva la Vida tour, Chris plays a nice classic piece on the piano, and I wonder, is it "Le Moulin" by Yann Tiersen? couse parts of it sounds like that song. Thanks

    The Oracle replies:

    I actually answered this on the 7th Jan so as that was only last week it should be easy to find. I am a fan of Mr Tiersen and can be frequently found whistling his music from Amelie. Yann's music is typically French and so I can understand why you'd think it was a piece by him but as you will see when you look, it's not.


    January 14, 2009 - submitted by Kunal, Canada

    Q. I was watching a Much Music TV interview with Jonny & Chris a couple of days ago, & they said that they would perform at weddings for 4 Pounds an hour. I'm celebrating my 30th Birthday & my wife & my 3 year Anniversary on May 30th, 2009 & was wondering if they would perform for us? Who do I need to get in touch with, in order to make this happen?

    The Oracle replies:

    I'm afraid they were jesting; they're not available for hire. If they were at £4 and hour, they'd be the bargain of the century!




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