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    Coldplay's Oracle touches on Princess Of China, Charlie Brown, Major Minus, ETIAW video and new watches!

    oracle.jpgMore questions answered by The Oracle... (over 2000 questions now answered - submit yours now!)


    June 20, 2011 - submitted by Madison, United States of America

    Q. Hey Oracle! What's your favorite (new) Coldplay song? (like the ones they play at the festivals?) Just curious... Very excited to see which ones will be released with Major Minus + ETIAW! Give my regards to the boys (and yourself, of course! :D) Madison

    The Oracle replies:

    I'd have to say Major Minus and Princess of China at this point. It's always subject to change of course...

    June 20, 2011 - submitted by Allie, United States of America

    Q. Why would Lollapolooza place Muse in the same time slot as Coldplay? Obviously they will be competing for the same fans. Coldplay opened for Muse way back when!

    The Oracle replies:

    It's a tricky billing and I'm surprised that Lollapolooza didn't try and stagger that particular part of the schedule. I guess you could watch half of each starting with Muse who start slightly earlier but I wouldn't like to be in that predicament. Two amazing live bands and both have come a long way since Coldplay opened for Muse way back in 2000. Maybe just commit to one and hope you see the other on another occasion. Of course, I'd suggest your choice be Coldplay.


    June 20, 2011 - submitted by Swinerabbit, Greece

    Q. Hello, Can I ask please where is Greece on the map in your official site ? This is not the map of Europe. You've forgotten Greece! This is embarrassing please fix, a.s.a.p. Kind Regards

    The Oracle replies:

    It's not a perfect map of Europe or even an accurate map in terms of Geographical placings; it's a crude map of where the band have played so people can upload photos. As Coldplay haven't thus far played a gig in Greece, it's not been deliberately omitted or overlooked. It's merely that they haven't visited. If/when they do, there'll be a pink pin added of course to our rough map.


    June 16, 2011 - submitted by Amio, United Kingdom

    Q. Would you explain a little about ETIAW video? What is the sign that Phil has uploaded about the video?

    The Oracle replies:

    I love the way fans are hungry to know every single solitary last detail about what the band are doing but all I can tell you is the video - featuring the band - was shot at Docklands on Tuesday/Wednesday this week. I promise once you've seen it, I will tell you more. The photo that appeared was taken at the shoot so gives a hint of the feel.


    June 16, 2011 - submitted by Vanessa, United States of America

    Q. Hey O! My friend went to an Angels game a little while ago, and she said they were changing the stadium for a concert. She said that they announced it was Coldplay playing there. Now I was a bit skeptical because I have been waiting for a Socal show but I don't really believe her! I just wanna know if there is an Anaheim show or not? PLEASE SAY YES OR NO!! :) Love, Vane

    The Oracle replies:

    Here's the long answer: A while ago you say. Well, as you probably know they have played Anaheim more than once but not recently and the festival tour is happening just now so there's no show planned there for the near future. I don't know how long you think it takes to turn a stadium/arena into a rock venue but I can tell you it's a day. They don't set up too far in advance, just the day before so I reckon that means the short answer to your question is no.


    June 15, 2011 - submitted by Laurens, United Kingdom

    Q. Dear Oracle, I heard Charlie Brown on YouTube! It's awesome! But there's an Asian sounding part! It sounds real good but I cant figure what it really is...

    The Oracle replies:

    In the intro to

    the sound you can hear is actually Chris' vocal speeded up.


    June 15, 2011 - submitted by Lotfi, Algeria

    Q. Why coldplay has withdrew Princess of China of the setlist... It seems to be a great song.

    The Oracle replies:

    It IS a great song so don't worry, that's not the issue. Tweaking the set list always happens at the start of touring whether that be festivals or their own live shows. Violet Hill has been added for instance and the order of songs was changed too. It's all very normal to see what feels right an works well.


    June 14, 2011 - submitted by Mariano, Venezuela

    Q. Dear O, did the same person that painted the instruments during the VLV tour, painted the instruments for the festivals? Thanks!

    The Oracle replies:

    No, Vicki (who painted the Viva tour instruments) didn't paint the ones for the current live shows. She's been very busy so someone else was brought in.


    June 14, 2011 - submitted by Vinzenz, Germany

    Q. Hi oracle! I saw the Coldplay concert at Rock am Ring in Germany on TV. At the first song Hurts Like Heaven you can see Chris wearing a blue clock on his left hand. It looks nice;-) What clock is that and from which brand?

    The Oracle replies:

    We don't call that a clock; it's a watch. The brand of band watch is G-Shock.




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