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    MTV video review: Coldplay's new video plays perfectly into the Paradise lyrics (and it's a hit with fans, too)

    paraset3a_1.pngChris Martin takes a unicycle trek through South Africa — dressed as an — in giddy new clip, MTV writes today, in an article reviewing the new Coldplay video for Paradise. Don't forget you can rate the video in the 'elephant poll' at the Paradise sub-forum now - please leave your comments if you haven't already done so, in that thread! Read on for the MTV review, and our poll results so far...


    You can add another line to Coldplay frontman Chris Martin's rather lengthy list of accomplishments: The man can ride a unicycle. This is the takeaway from Coldplay's brand-new video for "Paradise" — a standout track on their upcoming Mylo Xyloto album — which premiered Wednesday (October 19) on the band's site and features Martin, dressed in a plushy elephant costume, embarking on a unicycle trip in South Africa. Among other things, of course. The clip opens with sun-drenched shots of the South African plains, wildebeest silhouetted against the setting sun. We then cut to Martin (as an elephant) jailed against his will in a London zoo but planning an escape...

    When he finally busts out, he hops on the Tube, makes a beeline for Heathrow Airport and sneaks aboard a plane bound for Johannesburg, his home. After procuring a unicycle (some interpretive dance is involved), he rides through the countryside — at one point removing his elephant head to prove that, yes, it's him aboard the unicycle — until he discovers his bandmates, who, of course, are also dressed as elephants. We then cut to some actual performance footage from the band's South African concerts, where they bop and leap (while still wearing those elephant heads), much to the thrill of the audience. The video ends with a gleeful, slo-mo shot of the band sprinting across the plains, in full elephant regalia.


    And yes, it's plenty silly. But such is the appeal of Coldplay, certainly one of the biggest bands on the planet and, yet, one unafraid to have a little fun from time to time. And, in a way, it plays perfectly into the "Paradise" lyrics, which are very much about a girl dreaming of escaping her dire situation and disappearing to her own personal heaven. Not to mention the fact that, much like the song's blissed-out chorus, there is genuine joy in watching the band leaping about in plushy suits while the South African sun beats down upon them.


    Leave it to Coldplay to make a rather profound point — that we are all caged in some way, and we all long for escape — while still having a laugh too. And leave it to Chris Martin to prove that, even though he's married to a movie star, has two children, does humanitarian work and fronts one of planet Earth's hugest rock acts, he still found time to learn how to ride a unicycle. The man is truly capable of anything, it would seem.


    elephant.gifSome more of your comments on the new Paradise video (released 19th October 2011):


    I was a bit puzzled by the elephant news over the past weeks but I find this video so, so sweet! the only thing I didn't like was Chris taking the head off but maybe it was done to show it was really him?i think it breaks the story line a bit but definitely, the video is so cute and much better than the song! [thanks yuls]


    It's brilliant. Probably the best video they have ever done, maybe second to the one for The Scientist. Still don't like the song though, but it fits the video well and it's enjoyable. Note: I gave it a 9 because I hardly ever give 10s. Could have been worth a 10 though, but now it's too late. [thanks Tryptophan]


    Adorable. Humble. Fantastic. Mat Whitecross should direct every Coldplay video. Everyone he's done has been phenomenal. He is a great talent. For certain one of their best ever videos! [thanks howyousawtheworld]


    I don't like the quick edits Mat's so fond of, and the spell was broken a little bit when Chris took the head off... otherwise I absolutely loved it, it made my day, and has transformed Paradise from a song I really really like to one I adore. Fantastic!! I also think it's brilliant that (we think) we know Chris did the whole thing without seeing his face, the love this band have for every little thing connected with their music is extraordinary. [thanks Tonsu]


    Ummm, I actually really like it. I was a bit worried seeing pictures during the past week of them in the elephant costumes, but now I'm glad they scrapped the other video for this! I think the ending (at the concert) was really out of place though, so overall I gave it an 8. The beginning of the video is a bit ironic considering the timing of what just happened in Ohio though. [thanks NumbersGirl]


    I can't stop giggling it's the CUTEST video EVER! I've always loved elephants and felt protective of them after seeing Dumbo as a child and knowing how much they suffer from ivory trafficking so it made my heart melt I love how they party when they meet in the desert after he escapes from the zoo and it's true real elephants party that way too when they meet their friends and they stomp on the ground and dance too I saw it in documentaries LMAO . And the colors are so beautiful and the images of the desert and the concert it's looks so cute and real and I LOVE IT!!!!! Thanks for making my heart smile and laugh and I love South Africa so it's very special to me. God bless Coldplay! [thanks Malaika]


    I gave it a 7/10. It was....strange, to say the least, but oddly I liked it. So did my 3 year old. I was listening to it through headphones and watching and he ran up and screamed, "elephants! Elephants, mommy! Looka'em!" So, he would give it a 10/10, I'm sure. Maybe Hype Williams and the model were a red herring?? Or perhaps they saw Hype's final product and didn't like it. I would honestly rather see a video with elephants then some emo model girl pretending she's unhappy and finding paradise. If that is indeed the concept Mr. Williams was going for, then it was absolutely the right choice to do this concept instead. It fits Coldplay better. [thanks neonhorn22]


    Honestly, what a brilliant video. the first time i watched it i wasnt really following the story, just watched it in a daze a bit, but the second time i watched it i followed the story, and it really is special. anyone who says its crap is just a moron who either doesnt understand it, or has never really known true friendship, because this video is a great story about friendship and being reunited and achieving "paradise" [thanks lutzno]


    Oh I absolutely love it! It's cute, hilarious and beautifully shot. I really need to go to South Africa one day. The video also shows you can take the song anyway you want, if you want it to be about someone who's lost, or about escaping something, or going to a gorgeous place, it's all there. And if you think the song is ridiculous, well that's in there too! Oh, and a Bob Dylan reference with the lyrics on cardboard? [thanks Blue Nails]




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