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    Paradise round-up: 30-second preview, Listening Party on Monday, covers & mixes, early reviews, artwork poll

    coldplayparadiseartwork1_2.jpgDon't forget (how could you) that Coldplay's forthcoming single Paradise will be unveiled in full on Monday at 7.50am (UK time) when it will be first played on radio at the following stations: BBC Radio 1; Absolute Radio; (more to be added). Join the Paradise Listening Party at the Coldplaying messageboard (Paradise sub-forum) now! We will have a new 1-10 sliding scale poll on what you thought of the song shortly after it airs.


    A 30-second clip has emerged online of Paradise via website Turntribe. The clip, which you can now listen to via a YouTube upload seems to co-incide with the already released official lyrics from Twitter on Thursday: "when she was just a girl she expected the world but it flew away from her reach so she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of paradise..." Already there are mixes and covers of the 30-second clip which you can hear now in anticipation for tomorrow's official release.


    The Coldplaying Toolbar has been updated to include all the stations Paradise will appear on. Not all stations will work for everyone (often due to restrictions) but its a neat way of switching from station to station as you find somehwere to listen to the new song. Download and install the toolbar from: coldplaying.ourtoolbar.com now. (if you are having problems will any aspect of the toolbar let us know in the listening party link above and we will try and help you out).

    Your mini-reviews have been coming in thick and fast over the last 24 hours - we appreciate your comments on what you thought of the preview. So far we have had some very mixed reviews of the 30-second preview - but that's all it is - a preview. We would love to hear your updated reviews of the full song from tomorrow onwards. Below are some of your early thoughts...


    Your thoughts on the 30-second preview clip of Paradise uncovered on Saturday:


    And dreamed of para-para-paradise... Yeeeeeeah...I'm probably not gonna like this one. Will reserve judgment for now, but it's certainly a pop number. Fortunately not dancey synth crap like ETIAW, but still. [thanks Corkus]


    WOW, I really disliked that based on the preview. And I rarely come out and say that flat out without hearing the whole thing and then sitting on my first judgements for awhile. But to me, it sounds like an R&B boyband ballad, based on those 30 seconds. And this is coming from someone who actually loves ETIAW, as well. Oh God, I hope it either gets better in terms of the whole song, or that it's the only major dud on the album. [thanks ApproximatelyInfinite]


    coldplayparadiseartwork2.jpgI would hate it if I am wrong (and I might be (80%) haha), but this is SO going to be all over the radio- I was sad when Major Minus wasn't played, people just don't seem to like it....It doesn't matter though- I <3 it, and I can't imagine I won't love this album. It [Paradise clip] came from a site that was allowing people to pre-order the song. I found some other forum or something that had a comment all the way at the bottom with the link. For some reason google didn't find the link :/ My only guess is that the people behind Coldplay WANTED us to find that. They wouldn't send a 30 second preview to song that shouldn't be heard until its released on Monday.[thanks Nagromathon]


    The strings sound amazing, the first part of the clip was really promising but the bit where Chris started singing wasn't as good. It sounds like a Chris Brown pop song to me but without the autotuning. The way he sings para-para-paradise is pretty stupid and cements its position as a pop song. He also plays the piano like in one of those pop songs where each chord is played once. I don't want to make a full judgment yet but it sounds average at best so far. It certainly sounds better than ETIAW but I'm not impressed so far. [thanks Cleggy]


    I'm overwhelmed, awesome melody! I'm really happy to say that my expectations were totally wrong, the title made me think of sth dance like you-know-what so... Yay!!! Can't wait! [thanks Steph589]


    To me it sounds like a Bass heavy, with minor adjustments, version of Warning Sign from A rush of Blood to the Head. Then the verse started, and I didnt think that anymore, and everything sounded alright, then Chris had to go with the "para-para-Paradise" line and it ruined for me to be honest. I'm beginning to dread this poppy sound. And no, this isnt a disgruntled fan annoyed with their desire to explore new horizons and expand the types of sounds they have. I loved Viva and the new sound it brought. This...not so much. I still have hope, but goodness, I hope my current sentiments are changed as soon as possible. [thanks Zj23]


    I dont judge from 30 seconds preview. And there is no reason to complain about it until we heard the complete song !!! Damn,theyre doing a great job and so Paradise will be !!! [thanks Ronnie O Sullivan]


    Why everything sounds so dance/retarded in this album. I mean, the song seams great but the "sound", the "production" it's really annoying to me. It would be a huge surprise if it won't be worst Coldplay album by far. it sounds like OneRepublic trying to sound like Coldplay. Or like Coldplay doing the worst The National's You Were A Kidness cover ever. The chord progression in the intro it's similar to Amsterdam. So you can check the involution of the band comparing the lovely, natural sound in Amsterdam and the noisy, chaotic, electronic, lifeless and synthetic sound in Paradise. Seriously, Paradise it's a mediocre piece of music, and there are tons and tons of anonymous bands that are capable to do things a lor more creative than this Paradise but you will never listen to it because they haven't all the mainstream gears turning in their favour. Some of you are just deaf. Chris Martin burps and you just burst out into tears saying things like "ooooh happiest day of my life". Coldplay were great in 1999/2009, but 2011's Coldplay sucks. [thanks Bloody]


    Those first 12 seconds are really catchy. Now I know why they chose this as a single, from the thirty seconds I heard, it sounds like a radio song (not saying that is bad). It's very interesting, I can't wait to hear the whole song. [thanks guda4siempre]


    It sounds amazing. When I first heard ETIAW I was quick to cut it down and moan about how I wished Coldplay went back to their Parachutes/Rush Of Blood days. Since hearing Major Minus, Moving To Mars and the 30 second clip of Paradise I am starting to understand the direction that Coldplay are going in and all of the new songs that I've heard both studio recordings and live are starting to fit together. Basically what I'm trying to say is .. it all makes a lot more sense now that I've heard a few tracks and their new style has some context. By the way, I really do like ETIAW now. I understand! [thanks - DAN -]


    ParadiseArtworkPoll.pngHoly shit! Thank you for finding this! It sounds really amazing. Im gonna rip the audio and put it on my mp3 player so I can listen to it over and over again until monday! gosh now you got me all excited!!!!!! ahhhhhh!!!! I can listen to 30 seconds over and over! I don't care!! [thanks joecortazzo]


    I don't mind the criticism. If people don't like the direction the band is heading, they have the right to say something about it. If Coldplay started sucking to me, I'd be really pissed off too. But I like it so far. I think, however, a lot of people should withhold judgements because this is just a 30-second sample of the song and there's bound to be a lot more meat to it. Something tells me that something kickass (Jonny guitar solo, Will pounding out some weird but awesome tribal beat, etc) is going to happen. I really don't think this song is a ballad. After all, the song is 4:38, so we've heard only about 10% of the song. Just imagine defining your favorite Coldplay songs in a 30-second sample. It simply isn't enough. There's a reason why iTunes switched to 90-second samples about a year ago: 30 seconds just isn't sufficient to pass a good judgement. [thanks Baw8cc]


    This sounds AMAZING. I am so happy. The strings sound so nice, along with the "oooh"s and I even like the vocal parts as well. I think "para para" is in there because it works. I really need the full song to make this assumption, but I think the two syllables are repeated because of the time signature and making things fit. It'll sound fine once we hear it in the full version. The first half just kind of blew me away. The second half may sound like pop, but orchestra-sounding parts aren't usually found in pop songs. [thanks MajorM]


    Alright people, stop hating. This is just 30sec out of a 4:38 song. Talk about judging a book by its cover!! If you are not excited by the preview, fine. Wait until you hear the whole thing. If you are excited by the preview, good for you and good luck waiting until "monday morning". But I advise you to stop listening to it already. Just wait. [thanks macky]


    I'm not gonna click it :P I'm gonna wait 2 more days, it's bad enough that we know half the songs of the new album already so I'm gonna resist to make the album somewhat of a surprise. But I like reading the comments though, mixed opinions already. [thanks doritji]


    First listen I wasn't impressed - not because it's bad, It's only a 30 second preview for chrissakes - but because It's not what I was expecting. I think your expectations can do that when something is so built up. however, upon a few more listens I actually really really like it, and can't wait to hear more. Really surprised it hasn't leaked this close. [thanks Bonus_mosher]


    That 30 second preview actually doesn't seem that promising to me. Someone said something about it sounding like a Mat Kearney song when Chris starts singing, and I agree. I just hope it gets better after that...the opening bit is slightly promising but its not anything too special in my mind. It's very...mainstream hip-hop/pop stuff. Hoping I'm wrong about that. 30 second previews dont always sound great. But I'm kind of worried the music went in this direction. I've liked every other new song we've heard, but the first 30 seconds of this song seem...meh. [thanks footyfan10]


    Well we know Chris loves hip-hop artists and I am sure he has been dying to incorporate some of that in Coldplay (starting from Lost), so it´s no surprise that the rhythms of hip hop find their way into MX. I think it´s all part of their evolution. I am constantly amazed at how they travel from genre to genre but never fail to move me. [thanks valypan]


    I can't wait to hear the full song! Totally different than what I expected it to be. I must admit, at least from the clip, I'm not as hooked as I was on "Violet Hill" when it came out. We'll wait and see.. I'm sure it'll grow on me once I hear Jonny's masterful guitars. [thanks a2iel]


    It's different. But I still am excited to hear the rest. Speaking of Violet Hill, I didn't really like it when I first heard it. I normally have to analyze a song fully to like it, its rare that Id like it the first time. But I love the lyrics. I can't wait. [thanks LadyBellaStrawberry]


    I think the song relates to PoC Talking about a girl..? Maybe? I DON'T KNOW DAMN IT. But it sounds epic. Just the para-para-paradise bit, gets a bit annoying. can't wait till Monday though. [thanks kiwiboy527]


    Don't know what to think about the song. I definitely excpected to hear something different - but there are only 30 seconds. I really like the beginning with the strings and the synth, but the verse is not one of that which create such a massive feeling inside me. I have to admit that I like the song more the more I listen to it, but until now its not better than Hurts Like Heaven, Charlie Brown, MM, PoC, UatW and ETIAW in my honest opinion. [thanks Major_Love]


    The strings/synth sound similar to the beginning of X&Y (the song) - the same style, not melody . And the rythm/pace of the vocals is similar to a lullaby to me (like it was on Swallowed in the Sea), if that makes any sense? I don't know, but it's awesome! [thanks isrlns]


    Okay, you know what... I absolutely love the sound of this. Love it. Admittedly the whole para-para-paradise thing may annoy me, but it's such a Chris thing to do. [thanks Nattatouille]


    I think it sounds amazing! I heard it as soon as it got posted to youtube and I was overwhelmed. It sounds a lot different than their usual style, bit I really love it. I think it's going to be awesome! And just because it gravitates to some kind of pop style, that doesn't mean anything. Personally, I think it's stupid when you don't like a song just because it's popular. I don't really listen to popular music, but that's just because I don't like the song, not because it's popular. You listen to what you like and you shouldn't care if the others like it/dislike it too! [thanks Matej]



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