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    Princess Of China video: Coldplayer reviews and latest poll results

    POCshotcap8a_1.jpgThe video for Princess Of China has been out now for 48 hours and it's time to find out what Coldplayers thought of it. So far we've received over 400 votes to our latest 0-10 sliding scale poll with some interesting results. If you haven't yet voted and commented, you can do so now at the PoC sub-forum. We have a large collection of multimedia to download (MP4 and screenshots etc) if you wish to make use of the images for avatars, signatures or other artwork.


    The latest poll results and comments from Coldplayers are below and after the jump...


    I loved it, it was visually stunning, Rihanna was brilliant with her gestures, and her ribbons /scarves. Chris was great too. It was more of a stream of consciousness experience, no plot necessary. I think the video fits the song, and makes it better. POC is not one of my favorite songs on MX but this video made me appreciate the song more, so it did it's job. I think it was brilliant. [thanks aliszar]


    Now I watched the video three times as I think it does require multiple viewings. I think Coldplay has struck a difficult balance here between a simple indie video and a pop special effects video, which mirrors perfectly the collaboration between Rhianna and Coldplay. I love how the video describes the song perfectly. The scenes where they are both dressed differently and each stays with their clan, facing each other in battle and then the incredibly intimate scene forehead-to-forehead, opening their heart to each other and admitting how much they hurt. The video works great with these contrasts and in the end you can almost feel the glimmer of hope, of a future reconciliation, which is the spirit of the last part of MX. All in all, well done! [thanks valypan]

    if they wanted to make it like a really cheesy old chinese kung-fu film, it wouldn't been amazing. they could've had effects like the Knights of Cydonia video and had out of sync dialogue and singing. This video is just appalling. I would be a way better video director than the shit Coldplay hire. the first 30 seconds or so is just chris walking. for fuck sake, the next single's video better be above average [thanks kiwiboy527]


    Uhm, I like it! Better than expected. It's definitely different and kind of dark, which is good. I like the effects looking purposely fake. (Someone mentioned Kill Bill - you can't compare the two but I get where they're comping from.) The ass flash isn't necessary but I don't mind it, it's Rihanna being Rihanna. Her and Chris both look great and have pretty good chemistry on screen. It's creative and fits the song well without being too predictable. (Edit: I must admit I had extremely low expectations, so 'better than expected' doesn't mean that much.) The song still sucks though.... Before more negativity kicks in in this thread: Watched it again and I still like it. Maybe it's because I couldn't give a shit. I know they're great as a band and that's what I love them for, their videos are not going to change that. I gave up getting angry with them for being 'commercial' about a year ago. This was always going to be a Rihanna video and I think it's pretty effing good for a Rihanna video.[thanks Blue Nails]


    At first, I thought the vid was ok. But after an afternoon of thought, I hate it. This is worse than the CB vid. It was TERRIBLE!!! I've never been this harsh on Coldplay but my gosh, this vid really grinds my gears. I wish they would take their videos more seriously because this was just bad. [thanks aschall]


    Rihanna is a pompous bitch, and I feel sad for her because when she first got famous she was really sweet and innocent, but then her management figured out she'd get more PR acting like a stripper, which now has led to drugs and alcohol abuse. Poor girl. Also, I find that the dramaturgy is way too flat, just like the Charlie Brown video. This video actually has a curve going down from start to end. That is embarrassing. [thanks hente44]




    Some people are complaining about a lack of story... but isn't the video meant to be like a fake trailer for an imaginary film, like the trailers in Grindhouse? :L Probably won't change people's opinion, but I think part of the idea is that it's less of a story and more a series of random shots representing a wider, untold story. Sorta like the visuals in Plastic Beach by Gorillaz. Sky-pirates, giant plastic island, masked demon thing, etc. and no story. It's part of the wacky, colourful aspect of the era. How effective that is is another matter, but I don't think they were aiming for a cohesive story like they were in, for example, Strawberry Swing... [thanks AmbroseCadwell]


    I thought the video was alright. I mean, nothing really happens! there's no "story" at all, just some concept shots. Whoever talked Chris into doing this...hats off. i think the tabloids will have a field day with this though. Chris BARELY touches her...if it was any other collaborator there would be a lot more action. Don't get me wrong, I can take 10 minutes of that stare (and touching....foreheads?)from him any time if that's all I can get. I'm also actually relieved that the rest of the band is not in it. What would they be doing, walking in with Chris? Sitting on the couch with him? I dunno. [thanks wabbit]


    For the last time people. EVEN if the song's name is PRINCESS OF FUCKING CHINA it doesn't mean they HAVE to make a video about CHINA, because a music video DOES NOT have to do anything with the music... I wouldn't care a bit if they did a song called Bastards of Brazil with a lot of Indians and Monkeys and Trees and Carnival because it's just a fucking music video... Since when Paradise speaks about elephants? Since when Straberry Swing speaks about someone in the middle of a street playing of stop-motion? Since when Life in Technicolor ii speaks about puppets? Got the point? [thanks rafaelchampion]


    meh disappointed AGAIN! no real story behind it and with that behind the scenes video i was expecting it to be much more spectacular. its not even japanese OR chinese. they're just swinging around swords in the air (which by the way looks terribly done) and a lot more random things! a random music video for a very very random song. i'll pretend this PoC just never happened! one thing i will admit; its at least better than charlie brown. don't even get me started on that!! ETIAW by far the best mv of this era. you know what i hate?! when some people are so blinded by their love for the band that even if they came out one day murdering puppies you would justify it somehow. (they havent done anything that terrible here im just sayin). you cant compare PoC to their previous work because it has the name of a COUNTRY in the bloody title. its like naming a bond movie 007: Romania and then creating something about Poland!! raised eyebrows are inevitable. plus they've "tried" to go for an asian look anyway but got everything mixed up. so it does matter you see [thanks nvdmm]


    Please bring Matt Whitecross here. He manages to realize all crazy Chris's ideas (but genious too!) and to make something as sweet and unpretentious as Paradise video. This video probably wouldn't have gone past Mr. Champion's seal of disapprovement. But when there's "the star", it's not for boys to decide. Anyways, gave it 5. Not a disaster by any means. It's ok. I mean, watch any Britney video and then turn on this. See the difference? But still: 1. Strange imagery - Japanese more than Chinese. Why doing that? I'm sure there will be plenty of stupid jokes on the Internet - "They even don't know the difference". I believe the boys do know the difference. So why mixing it all up? Strange decision. 2. Some long and quite boring shots. Seems that lack of story resulted in catching myself once or twice on thinking that they'd better do something else now. 3. Green screen. Well, had they done this all on location - how wonderful it would have looked. Computer graphics is not something to make you awe in year 2012. It's not necessarily bad, but not quite interesting. [thanks lafinion]


    I'll start with the good things: there are some really beautiful visuals on the video, like the Rihanna with lots of arms and Chris walking on the desert. Now the rest: I was waiting for a plot the whole video, but nothing showed up! And some shots are quite cheassy (that blue moon scene is horrible). The boys should be there, it's not Chris Martin and Rihanna, it's COLDPLAY! And the most important is, it doesn't fit the song and the album, it's just completely out of place. I'm one of the few here that like the CB video, because it fits with it just right, POC just throws a lot of asian themes into pointless shoots of Chris and Rihanna "interacting". [thanks Prospector]


    ok good things: Some awesome shots of Chris and cool scenery. the song is much better when put to some imagery, it distracts from the fact that the lyrics suck; Bad things: complete lack of plot. It could have been much much better if it had a cool story line. That's why Paradise and Strawberry swing worked so well- they had awesome imagery coupled with a good story. This video has cool shots, but they're so static- it's like the difference between seeing a beautiful animal (like say a snow leopard) stuffed and seeing it alive and moving. Without a good story, the video is nice to look at, but it doesn't do much else. All in all, it was alright (I think we can all agree it could've been much worse) but it's nothing special. A solid 5 for me. [thanks InvaderXyl42]


    I actually love this video. I love that cheesy samuri stuff so I love the purposely throw back styled effects. The desert and sets are really cool. While I don't care for Rihanna, I thought she played here part well and had some pretty good shots. Chris is totally cool in this video (Unshaven Chris always is). So yeah, different than anything else they've ever done but that's why I like it. A good one is my eyes. Good job boys! [thanks Cheese Nip 2]


    Embarrassing... You could tell they meant well, but everything about this video is extremely sloppy. Why did they even hire this good-for-nothing director. Paradise was cool, Charlie Brown was ok, could have been better, but this... Could it be that Chris is actually in love with Rihanna?? A man in love does stupid embarrassing things, which this whole collab was to begin with... Rant over, lol)). A full blown EP would instantly make me forget this disgrace of a video))) [thanks pansonic]


    Chris he was so sexy. Great. That's what I care about actually. Riri she also did well. But I want to say... I'm glad that they didn't film kissing scene or something. This is enough fabulous. There's a little problem to me. The producer should use Chinese words for all the same/correct. Or this is just makes me unhappy and think they are not clever. There's so much different between Mandarin (Traditional Chinese) and simplified Chinese. People in Taiwan and HK use Mandarin. People in China and most foreigners use and learn simplified Chinese. A lot of words for simplified Chines, they simplified too much. They can't almost be recognized. A Chinese character can be recognized when you look it at first time. It is like when you see re- or dis- , you can probably know what it means. But they just cut them off. Mr. Mao's policy is shit. (Sorry if it offends you.) So, coldplayers you can watch the PoC again, and you will find they use two languages together. That's not RIGHT. They can't take care both of side at the same time. Every time the similar things happen, they will be the fight at the end due to the different culture. Many countries do business with China, yeah they can choose not to see this. I don't care actually. Sorry for the all matters I said. [thanks Yu-tong]


    I rated it a 9/10; I was really nervous about this video coming out , I gave the Charlie Brown video a 5/10 so I was hoping the POC video wouldn't be worse. I thought it was a creative video, I love the parts where Chris sings, I'm happy Rihanna is dressed ( hate the nails though). I actually liked the forehead touching scenes but I'm happy they didn't kiss. Strawberry Swing and LITii are still my all time fave Coldplay videos, POC video won't go in my worst category though, In my opinion the CB video is their worst. I don't get why some people think POC video is not creative, effort was put into it; there are costumes / acting. I feel like most if the ideas came from Chris and not Rihanna or maybe the director (but definitely not Rihanna or there would be less clothing). Anyway it's always good to try out new stuff, Coldplay is not afraid to test out new stuff or at least experiment, the next album may be different altogether. [thanks Rainystrawberry]


    I was expecting a more linear plot to it like Paradise or Strawberry Swing, but upon mental digest, I like it more. It's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than the Charlie Brown video. [thanks MosesTheMarshmallow]


    4/10. I think I'm seeing more humour in this video than was intended - the Chris parts are very entertaining. I do like the visual quality of this video, although I could have done without Rihanna's red plastic thigh high boots, but I suppose it could have been worse... I only started to enjoy the song Paradise after the video, but this isn't going to happen for POC. [thanks Magnolia]


    I will give it an 8. there was some really cool editing in the beginning, but some of the shots toward the end lasted too long. i'm not sure i understood exactly what the story was supposed to be... and i was expecting more sword fighting. it was like, Rihanna, you have a sword, use it! but she kinda looked bored the whole time anyway... on the other hand, the cinematography was very nice. and i love that they keep including credits in their videos. [thanks coldplayisawesome]


    1/4 of the video seems to be about Rihanna's butt accented by her PVC thigh highs; 1/4 'this scenery looks oriental themed, let's put it in'; 1/4 the most cheesy imagery ever (which is saying something considering I measured it up against the usual cheese-factor of Coldplay videos); 1/4 Chris being moody and brooding = One rather badly executed video. This really seemed like a more cinematic thing than a plot-driven video (ie moreso 'look! pretty pictures!'). Some scenes look cool but some scenes just look laughable with how ridiculously cliché they are. I'm not sure that was exactly the point with all the dark and edgy vibes I got from it either. I agree with a previous poster that the video actually seemed to decline the more it went on... I seriously did crack up with laughter once Chris and Rihanna began flying through the air, I mean really?! 3.5/10 because I am feeling gracious by awarding props for some of the better shots and the fact that I thought this was better than CB. Still a lot to be desired and it could have been done better. [thanks Cobalt]


    Am I the only one who actually kinda liked it? I had SUPER low expectations for this video... I was scared it might be some slutty Rhianna shit video... I was honestly pleasantly surprised. I thought it was kinda cool...neat and interesting. I really don't like the song all that much but this video actually made me kinda like it some more. Also, I hated the CB video. I think we coldplay fans are spoiled as far as videos are concerned coldplay usually puts out really surprisingly good videos, most other bands put out really random shit. I dig. [thanks grim99]


    Firstly to say I've been skeptical of the new poppy direction of the music videos this album (I'm not a big fan of Paradise at all and Charlie Brown was a bit meh in the end), but I really actually quite like this! Considering how bad I thought it was going to be..I actually thought it came out quite classy. There's some really great imagery in there and I like the credits at start and end, which I think fit better in the video than the Paradise and CB credits too. Plus I'm surprised more of the fangirls haven't been going crazy about how good Chris looks in this video! Prime contender for next James Bond I say! It's a fair point that the video lacks a plot, and doesn't really develop much as you reach the end, but I agree this is like a film trailer, and I like the fact it's based on the film House of Flying Daggers. PS. Leave the Hardest Part video alone, it's great! [thanks robsmith7]


    I'm much happier that these recent videos don't just show the band singing and doing their thing, but that they actually have a deeper meaning to what the album means. The last 3 videos we've had (Paradise, Charlie Brown and now this) all show the 'story' of the album. Who cares if they're putting samurais and geishas in the video of a song with China in it. They're just having fun and so should we, I'm pretty sure they know which geographical region those come from. Looking forward to the next single/video release, whenever that may be. In my opinion, this is a meaningful video because of how during the fighting parts they show why they broke up and convey the meaning of 'all we ever seem to do is fight', to the desert parts of how much they still like each other and how the album ends. [thanks golfing7861]


    I loved it. Saw a shout out to several of my fav Kung Fu films. Chris Martin, have you been stalking me at Blockbuster? [thanks Texasluvsjonny]


    300th vote! I gave it 6/10. The plot was not well defined and it ended up being sort of random which is perfectly okay in a music video but it seemed here like they were trying for a plot but didn't quite get it. It was still an okay video though, I thought it was true to the emotions of the song and had interesting choreography. [thanks Voskhod349]


    I couldn't put it off any longer and I watched... and to be honest, I hated it so much that I could barely finish it. Which is weird because I AM on the MX bandwagon and I like the actual song. but the whole video was so far from what I imagine Coldplay to be that I just HATED it. a lot. I hated the official Charlie Brown video for the same reason, but this is worse D: I don't wanna be a killjoy, especially because I really do like MX... but the past two videos have been blahhhh. [thanks notlost92]


    5/10. Those who said it was a love story, are wrong. I can not really see the love story in the video. Now, I'm sure that Jonny, Will and Guy would have a role in the video. The videoclip would have be MUCH better. Chris is really hot, but Rihanna really looks like a b*tch. Sorry if I'm harsh, but this is what I think. The scene where Chris and Rihanna are in the air with the moon behind, is really crappy. We do not see Chris enough, but the scene where we see Chris fight against a ninja is pretty cool. [thanks vanessarrent]


    At the end of the day I think it was obvious that this video would be a typical Rihanna pop video style so i'm not that bothered, it goes with the song and that's the only good thing i can say about it really. I doubt that Coldplay will ever make a video as good as The Scientist or a simplistic video like Shiver again and i can understand why a slow artsy one really would not fit with MX. [thanks Cyan Kat]


    Honestly i didn't like it ... I still like their old songs and videos . Violet hill was so simple and beautiful ... this one has so many electronic stuff and is forgetable i think if Chris martin Likes to make Coldplay a mainstream band and look like maroon 5 , they are just gettin worse and worse ... I hope they will go back to the piano and guitar and forget the electronic stuff ! And i dont know why RIHANNA ??? anyway ... i hoped 4 better ... their 4 albums were great ! VERY GREAT ! but mx ... not that great. [thanks Behrus58]


    Neither one thing or another! Like the shots of Chris very much but not a great fan of Rihanna. Im sure they will get some stick for this video from their critics!

    I do wonder if Jonny, Will and Guy are having a little chuckle to themselves and are glad that they are not in it. But again...Chris is seriously HOT,HOT,HOT...can't deny I will be watching it quite a lot but not for the song. [thanks Pud]


    I don't know if its just because I'm a bigger fan than ever and on this message board more frequently, but their videos for this album are cheesy. I get scared when I'm about to watch, I do get a bit embarrassed for them...in live performances as well (not concerts). PoC video is better than CB; anything is better than CB like others have said. I am not liking Matt Whitecross anymore. I don't like the cuts and the final product is seems rushed and unfinished. I have really loved all their videos; they always seemed more comfortable. In the more recent videos, Chris has this strange look of being uncomfortable and unnatural and its freaks me out. I don't know why they include those shots. In PoC, he is SUPER hot despite a few of those odd shots. I have to say PoC is an improvement and kinda cool to watch visually. Nothing will ever be as good at The Scientist. One of the greatest videos ever made. I do hope they go back to being more uniquely creative rather than being so corny. Still love you guys and can't wait for July's concert! [thanks Taliaa]


    I actually didn't care so much about the video because i don't even like the song because rihanna is in it ,but i have to say the video is really bad and i really hate when bands don't include all of their members in their videos. Anyway the video is so pop and it's not something that i thought coldplay could ever do, i'm really kind of dissapointed about this era but i still love coldplay and hope they don't turn onto something like maroon 5 or whatever. i don't even know if it's better than charlie brown but i think both are the worst videos they've ever made. my favourite video will always be talk. [thanks Lisset]


    Screenshots of the Princess Of China video (released on 3rd June 2012):


















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