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    Updated: Coldplay Live Reviews, Photos and Setlist - Austin City Limits Festival, Austin, Texas (16th September, 2011)

    Coldplay played the Austin City Limits festival in Texas last night (16th September 2011) in their first festival appearance back after a 5 week break. Up In Flames (UIF) and Don't Let It Break Your Heart were NOT played in Coldplay's festival performance in Austin despite UIF having been debuted at the Taping event the previous night. Paradise, however, was added to the setlist instead of Life Is For Living. They continued with their cover of Rehab by the late Amy Winehouse.


    The concert was streamed worldwide live across the internet on ACL's YouTube channel. The stream was good quality although some complained of dropping connections during the show. Some excellent photos have already been uploaded to Flickr by Nathan Malone - view them in original definition now. If you are on YouTube you can rewatch the performance at ACL's channel via the link above (more details on that to follow) - alternatively if you don't want to wait (we don't have the rebroadcast schedule) You can download, listen and watch again to the streamed recording of the performance via our Multimedia forum where the set will be uploaded in various formats soon - keep an eye on that thread.


    More live discussion on this show is at the Coldplay Live forum (58 pages and counting - reviews start around page 56 onwards). Thanks to everyone who has contributed on the forums, Youtube and twitters. We'll have more on this show over the next few hours/days!


    20110916acl1.jpgSetlist (confirmed):


    MX/Hurts Like Heaven


    In My Place

    Major Minus


    The Scientist

    Violet Hill

    God Put A Smile Upon Your Face

    Everything's Not Lost

    Us Against The World


    Viva la Vida

    Charlie Brown




    Rehab (Amy Winehouse tribute)

    Fix You

    Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall


    Photo courtesy of Nathan Malone @ Flickr


    I guess they didn't like how Up In Flames sounded last night, maybe they did need more rehearsal like R42 said haha. Really though I think that the only reason they played it last night was because that special won't air until after MX is released. [thanks Our Escape]


    Wow, what a great show! My immediate impression -- how much I liked "Paradise" live and how good Chris sounded singing "Fix You" (before the crowd rush). He's sometimes a little pitchy but his voice was strong tonight. And, holy god, it must have been hot, he was pouring sweat. I know I'm probably alone but I'm glad they didn't do UIF & DLIBYH. Other than the summer festival songs, I don't want to hear anything more before the album drops. I'll be checking dimeadozen, for sure. [thanks Pink]

    Hmm... so it looks like I don't have to stay away from the rest of the pre-tour shows if this keeps up. I'm very happy they didn't play Up In Flames or Don't Let It Break Your Heart, because I don't want to hear those until Mylo Xyloto is out into the world. Really, the one thing I wanted to see was how Paradise sounds live (and I did, despite missing this concert because of work... thank you, YouTube!). It obviously isn't as good as the studio version, of course... but I think they did pretty good, all things considered. It'll be a nice concert song. [thanks heelsrule1988]


    I 'liked' Paradise, but hearing it live I LOVED it! I'd hoped fora repeat of UIF so we could hear a better quality version, but I can wait for the album. Chris often sounds out of breath and pitchy on HLH, but he was totally in control of it tonight. It's gone from like to love as a result. [thanks TracieMorgan]


    I just saw the show and It was amazing!! Chris was full of energy (as usual) and you could tell all the guys gave it their all. I'm in love with Charlie Brown and I'm so glad they played Paradise! Definitely one of the best concerts I've ever been to!! [thanks Lynn42]


    Just got back to my hotel room about an hour ago... The show was fantastic and there is nothing like seeing a Coldplay show from the front row. The boys were so happy and full of energy and crazy how Phil was sitting in front of us at one point!loved hanging out with Dianne, Jen, and Amanda all day! Will post pics and video when I get back home to Vegas on Monday! [thanks l0wxo2]


    But it was a really great performance, they always sound so good live. My friends and I were able to get decently close seeing how late we actually headed over to the stage. We were perhaps a good 20 rows in front of the sound tower, so maybe halfway between the tower and stage? I dunno, I'm bad at estimating that kind of thing. Anyways it was a lovely performance, I enjoyed it a lot. Always great to see them live. One of my friends who was with me said it was amazing and the second best concert of her life (after Bon Jovi, who I think is her very favorite musician), so that's a pretty big complement. She wasn't even all that familiar with a lot of the songs, so that's pretty cool. [thanks ImLovingGuyBerryman]


    I was there. Here are some of my thoughts. I must preface this by saying I'm not a huge fan of the new stuff, and I was pretty far back in the crowd. But this was my fourth time seeing coldplay, and it was not their best performance in my opinion. Having said that it was still excellent. a few general thoughts.

    -I love the intro to GPASUYF! Really cool way of mixing it up.

    -Great to hear everything's not lost live. Sounded awesome. (liked the kanye references here as well)

    -Although I like the song people were seeming to lose interest during Us Agasint the World. Probably the lowpoint of the night.

    -Politik is still their best live song.

    -Lost still sounds great live, especially when the drum set kicks in.

    -Paradise did sound better live, but I still hate it.

    -Charlie Brown is the next great Coldplay song. Period. People around me who had never heard it before seemed to be into it as much as they were into viva. It sounded a bit more synthy to me and a bit less guitar driven. Still sounded excellent.

    -Wawawaterfall sound a lot better live. I don't love it on record. It was pretty good though.

    -I'm not as big a fix you fan as every other coldplay fan. Having said that it was the highlight of last night. The rehab tribute was kinda chilling and it sounded great. Loved it when he ran out and climbed the tower (kinda near me). Overall, a great concert, but not their best. Would've been nice to hear Shiver or Life is for Living. 8/10. [thanks winigwl]


    After a two-hour wait, Coldplay started. The Brit-pop sensation pleased the crowd with a few familiar favorites — "Yellow" comes to mind, with the stage bathed in yellow light — before teasing it with a few songs from the group's upcoming album. But whether it was playing an old song or a new song, Coldplay kept the crowd engaged in the show with call-and-response strains, a captivating light display and an entrancing stage setup featuring a huge screen behind the band. Finally, I decided to head out of the crowd a little early to catch the end of Kanye's set. Because there were so many people packed up to the stage, I still heard Coldplay's next big hit, "Charlie Brown," a song with a very full sound and an extremely catchy hook. I stayed near the back of the crowd, having just worked my way out of a big one at the opposite end of the park, and enjoyed a few of the self-assured rap artist's big hits including "Run This Town," "Gold Digger," "All of the Lights" and "Stronger." Near the end of the set, Kanye played a very drawn out version of "Runaway" that by the end felt more like a church altar call than a show as the rapper thanked everyone he could think of and took advantage of having the crowd's full attention. After everything, though, the highlight of Day 1 for me was Coldplay. The band's big-hit songs — "The Scientist," "Viva la Vida," "Lost!" and "Violet Hill" — evoked memories of life from when I listened to the whole "Viva la Vida" album non-stop for a few weeks in 2008 or when I first heard the band sitting in a movie theater watching the music video for "Speed of Sound." And regardless of whether it's genuine, Chris Martin and Co. portray a strong connection and high level of care for their fanbase, which always makes for a more intimate show. [via Oklahoma Daily]


    More reviews to follow....!


    New photos of Coldplay - Austin City Limits Festival, Austin, Texas (16th September, 2011):






















    Photos courtesy of Nathan Malone @ Flickr



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