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Coldplay on React Now - Hurricane Relief


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Hi -


I heard that Coldplay was supposed to be performing for this...I know they aren't listed on the site, but I heard what I heard. Did anybody else hear?



Now I know you would have to sit through 3/4 hours of MTV for a chance to see them, but the lineup seems a little better than the VMAs and its for a good cause. I wonder if they would play Fix You. That would fit nicely.

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At the shows recently here in NY they dedicated it to the Gulf.. so I hope they do perform Fix You..... if in fact they are on the show. A bunch of networks are having this special... I don't know if its 'react now' or not... but they are all over the place..


Well, I heard they would specfically play on the MTV one as I was watching something on MTV when I heard it....not the big networks concert. I don't think its the same performers and they are shown at different times.

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