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Coldplay will be interviewed on Australian Radio!!


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Well I was in the bath right, listening to the radio and what do you know, they said they will be interviewing Coldplay next week and I was like OMG:D:D:D:D. So I decided to go and get the details for all you lovely people. However, they were originally supposed to be interviewing Usher :( and haven't updated their site. So when I do find more information I'll tell you but usually the show starts at about 5pm and goes to 6pm and the show is called "The Big K's Download Show" (on Fridays)


I promise you I'll be back with more information. OMG so excited it'll be the first time my town's radio has ever heard a Coldplay interview :shocked2::shocked2::shocked2::shocked2::shocked2::shocked2:

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Well the station it'll be on where I'm from is hot.fm and I know there are podcasts of the "download show" but unfortunately they appear to be all Australian artists but if you visit theradio.com.au you maybe able to gather more information over time. I'll keep coming back with information for those interested.

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