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Your Ultimate Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends Alternate Track listing.


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I've been around here for a long time, but I'm mostly just a lurker. That being said, forgive me if this has been discussed.


I've been toying around with Viva La Vida, Prospekts March and a few of the B-sides that have surfaced, and have attempted at making an ultimate track listing for VLV. Here's what I've come up with, and I think you should give it a try. Feel free to post your own. (I realize that part of the beauty of VLV is the flow of the songs, but it's all in fun!)


1. Life in Technicolor ii

2. Cemeteries of London

3. Lost!

4. Rainy Day

5. Lovers In Japan/ Reign of Love

6. Glass of Water

7. 42

8. Postcards From Far Away

9. Viva La Vida

10. Violet Hill

11. The Goldrush

12. Yes/ Chinese Sleep Chant

13. Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground

14. Prospekts March

15. Strawberry Swing

16. Death And All His Friends


UPDATE: Just listened to the whole thing through. It sounds pretty good!

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I have mine on my ipod, it goes like this:


1. Lit ii

2. CoL

3. 42

4. Postcards from far away

5. Prospekts March

6. Glass of Water

7. Viva la Vida

8. Yes

9. Violet Hill

10. Lovers in Japan (Osaka sun mix)

11. Lost!

12. Rainy Day

14. Strawberry Swing

15. Death and all his Friends

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1.- Life in Technicolor... this is for me the perfect intro to the album, I think this, as an introduction, is the best song ever to begin an album

2.- Postcards from far away... as a nice interlude

3.- Cemeteries of London

4.- Glass of water

5.- Yes

6.- Lovers In Japan

7.- Viva la Vida

8.- Violet Hill

9.- Prospekts March

10.- 42

11.- Chinese Sleep chant

12.- Strawberry swing

13.- Death and all his friends/ Lit II... to end as it begun

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1.Life In Technicolor (any version is fine)

2.Cemeteries of London (with louder bassline can barley hear it)


4.42 (or Rainy Day)

5.Lovers In japan

6.Postcards from far away

7Viva La Vida

8.Violet hill

9.Stawberry Swing


11.Glass Of Water

12.Death And All His Friends



............i would put rest of songs on E.P. =D

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