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Not new per se, but now I'm gonna start posting


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I singed up over a year ago, but never posted anything til today. Which was:



After reviewing your answer several times, I realized you didn't answer Kieran's question yesterday concerning the lack of X&Y songs in the set. Is it because the boys aren't to keen to any songs on it except for Fix You? I know they are a little self-concious concerning the album, as Chris has hinted towards in some interviews. But, I know Coldplay diehards like myself would LOVE to see them play any other songs from the album during this upcoming tour. It would be a special treat just like Shiver has been. So please inform the boys of this sentiment, if you can.


Thank you,



Also, i was wondering why JB chose Will and not Chris to be the best man at his wedding. I've had the pleasure to have the Oracle to answer two of my questions, so I hope I'm as devout to CP as anyone.

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