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MOTS Languages


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On Coldplay's website you can access the Kaotican alphabet, and you can hear how they sound, and see how they look. But what about the other planets? I think it would be cool to add the other languages, although we already have the languages on cards from the Music of The Spheres box set, we don't have any sounds for the languages which is a missed opportunity because their are only two languages which we actually know sound like, the kaotican alphabet, and the countdown at the start of the song: "Humankind". I think having the other languages would be a cool opportunity.

We also don't have words for the languages, do we have to say each letter seperately after another to make a word, or do words have their own sound? This could also be another cool opportunity

Another cool thing would be making an ARG for The Spheres to keep things interesting.

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