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Am i alone in this???


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I feel as if i am the only one that sees coldplay's lyrics as a partial form of love, heartbreak...ect ect. It helps me through my heartbreak and i was wandering if it it has help anyone else as well! So if so tell me your story and what particualr lyrics!

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Yes, from "Low" I like the part "you see no meaning to your life, you should try"... sometimes I feel depressed and I no longer want to exist, but then I try to find a meaning to my life... and suddenly it makes sense...


From "a message"... "you're the target that i'm aiming at" reminds me of my beloved ones... ;)

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Radiohead criticised them for producing "lifestyle music" but you know what... It's totally true. And I think it's a good thing. It's a bit scary saying this, but they saved my life... I was in a very dark place when I heard Parachutes. It made me feel better about myself and made me realise it's perfectly ok to be lost and confused... That you don't need to live life with a clear purpose of who you are and what you want to be all the time and that although striving for perfection is good we don't have to be perfect. Don't Panic, Sparks, We Never Change spoke to me that way...

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Yes, from "Low" I like the part "you see no meaning to your life, you should try"... sometimes I feel depressed and I no longer want to exist, but then I try to find a meaning to my life... and suddenly it makes sense...


I knew some one would say that :/



Talk reminds me of the good old days of listening to kraftwerk with my dad when i was much younger, sometimes I think back to them days and it gets me through the day! So yeah they affect me sometimes :)

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