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Tips for the Atlanta concert 9/28?


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I went to the Darien Lake concert on 9/1.... I wish I had known cameras were allowed. Usually at that venue they aren't. I also wish I hadn't felt bad for the friends we were with that had lawn seats and sat there for the beginning of the concert with them until FINALLY taking our regular seats, which were amazing. I also wish I had not had that much to drink/smoke just before the show started so that I could remember EVERYTHING... Although I had an absolutely fabulous time regardless... Hmm, I also wish I had ran past security and made out with Chris Martin mid- In My Place... I think that's about all of my regrets. But I will be at the Birmingham concert up front tomorrow night to make sure I do everything properly this go around. Have fun in ATL.. I'm going to try and make that show, too...

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