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:o hmm, thats ok :shrug: l guess...l mean....we WOULD BE THE EXACT same person....if we liked the same things!! :shock: ....and people who are TOO alike dont get along!!! :o and that would be HORRID!!!


ahhh so bless we dont! :)

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EXACTLY!!! bahhh, Laura, l have finished designing our shrimps flag...its got a shrimp on it in the middle saluting...and then its got Guy Berryman's back facing us...l didnt show his face...cuz l wanted to prove that EVEN Guy the shrimp can have a sexy ass!! :o :o :oops:

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EXACTLY!!! bahhh, Laura, l have finished designing our shrimps flag...its got a shrimp on it in the middle saluting...and then its got Guy Berryman's back facing us...l didnt show his face...cuz l wanted to prove that EVEN Guy the shrimp can have a sexy ass!! :o :o :oops:

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Yeah! Carly's cool now... are you behind us in the story line?? what's going on in the show?


no were sooo behind lol.. were at the part that craig montgomery is in court cos they thought he placed that explosion for barbara lol but it actually was julia behind it and the last bit yesterday was that julia visited carly lol eviilllll its gonna be good today hehe


i saw u on msn yesterday btw but went to bed cos i was soooo tired soz

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