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Gitta Rensolo

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Some minutes ago I saw a show on TV.....people there had to go to a normal funeral....nothing special I think....but then I thought about this:


Would it be "better" to have funerals like they are in some parts of Africa?

I mean....to sing to dance.....and not to cry and to be sooooo sad....


Or is it "better" to have funerals like we have?

To cry..to go ther ein black clothes...etc...


I think if we wold sing and dance and laugh.....for me it would be better because the atmosphere would be different....if death was seen more easy going...I mean one day we all have to die...and of cours eit is sad if somebody dies who was close to you....but maybe it is just the attitude we have towards death....


actually I'm torn between both things...

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I hate funerals myself... I think funerals are noy really important, if you don't like the atmosphere just don't go... I think nobody should judge you if you rather go to a bar and have a drink...


the loss of the person is what matters...

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I think nobody should judge you if you rather go to a bar and have a drink...


But this will always happen....people will always talk about you if you do things like that....unfortunately....often funerals are hypocritical....especially if you live in an area like I do...

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Yes....not regulary....well...this weekend it was my sister's communion...and I have been there on sunday and today....one good thing especially in our community is that church is not that conservative....it is seen more easy going.....the priest#s view....

espcially today....we sang good songs and it was easy going...it felt good to be there...and not so forced...

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you never went to church?



well......I'm not somebody who says....church is everything....but there is one thing i hate: people who don't accept that you go to church or that you can relate to it!.....I mean everybody has to decide on their own...and if they don't like church or religion...it is soooo ok for me....but I have a friend and he doesn't seem to acceot it....and that is annoying...

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when I was a kid I used to go, but I hated... since my communion I've only been to church once... to a funeral, 4 years ago...


just how I think... I mean I like listening to people's opinion but I'm against a priest telling you what is right or wrong... when you watch the news you see what priests really do!!!

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when I was a kid I used to go, but I hated... since my communion I've only been to church once... to a funeral, 4 years ago...


just how I think... I mean I like listening to people's opinion but I'm against a priest telling you what is right or wrong... when you watch the news you see what priests really do!!!



Youz're right there....we talked about it in our religious education lesson....if priets are like that( and unfortunately there are many who are like that) it is horrible....in this case church sometimes destroys religious believe because people are pissed of by it....

but if it is seen more easy going I think especially youth people can relate to it....

for example the world youth day which was in august last year...in cologne...we had guests from australia....and they had a priest with the,m....so at one evening there was a celcbration with a rock band...and it was really fun...after a while their priest went on steg took the electric guitar and began to rock...this was cool....if many priests were like that church wouldn't be seen as that bad anymore....but unfortunately it is not like that....thereore I don#t go to church that often....although it is ok here...

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I "like" funerals the way they are. I went to two so far (my grandfather's in 1999, my grandmother's in 2001) and I dunno... the whole sad atmosphere belongs to it and especially in 1999 we all were so crushed that I couldn't imagine it to be different anyway. I can only speak for myself, but I think a traditional funeral, I mean the way it normally is, also helps a lot to let go... for me it has nothing to do with happiness.

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