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ACC- March 23.. kinda late haha


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I know this concert was a while ago but I'm new! and I wanna talk about it now :smug: hah so I was just wondering if you were there and how you liked it!

Post some pics from the concert if you have any


PS. Did anyone get the privilage of seeing my SWEET sign?? ahah it was a big heart that totally glowed in the dark (a big sheet of cardboard, two rolls of double sided tape and 60 glowsticks later..) and said coldplay in the middle :D

I have a pic if you like.. it doesn't look very impressive but if you saw it that night.. FABULOUS

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I know they're huge but I can't seem to get them any smaller :confused:

anyways.. this first one has a funny background but that's how the sign glowed




Here it is at about.. 2am




..and here is my cousin (whom I cut out just incase she didn't want to be seen..?) and I holding it before the show. It's in the light, with the flash on so it doesn't look like much of anything:laugh3:


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Thanks! aha I was nervous when it came time to get into the ACC. I thought for sure I would have to leave it behind! Luckily the security guy was super nice and he was asking all these questions about it and how I made it. Even the random Coldplay secuirty guys are nice :D

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