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Coldplay in Barcelona Sept 21st


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I was speaking to someone who orgianises Merce...

They are talking to coldplay management about a free open air concert for the La merce fiesta in Barcelona this year.........


If this happens it will be one there biggest live auduiances ever !!!!!!




I have no offical souce as of yet, you will have to trust me on this one !

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We will see….. They do have a good record of getting decent artists to play at La Merce. Last year we had… to mention a few Travis, Hard Fi, and the Thrills, a

I know these are not in the same league as COLDPLAY. However it is a good benchmark.. And each year the event gets bigger and bigger,

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I dont think we will know anything from La Merce orgainistion, until June, July at least...


Or when COLDPLAY finailly reliase their tour schedule.. However they may not mention the free gig until closure to the time...


Last year we had the happy mondays here for another festival free of charge and it was not until the week coming up to it,. It was annouced they were comming to Barcelona to play for free !


We get many free shows here of such good groups and artists I guess we are very lucky for the ones that live here......... yea !

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